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Forum Post: Forbidden Truth About Economics & History ~~The Elite's Fananglings

Posted 11 years ago on May 17, 2012, 1:53 p.m. EST by PeaceNow (84)
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This is eerily accurate......

Russian professor Sergei Nilus publishes a full version of The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, a controversial document discovered a few years earlier. The Protocols are said to be the minutes of a secret meeting of Jewish elites in which a master plan for world domination, to be completed over the next 100 years, is laid out in chilling detail.

The Protocols tell of Jewish control of world banking, world media, Communism, liberalism, and political parties of every type. The master plot includes plans to:

  • Destroy the Catholic Church and all Christianity

  • Promote atheism

  • Wage class warfare / labor against management

  • Overthrow Czarist Russia

  • Corrupt the morals of the people

  • Promote senseless “modern art” and dirty literature

  • Use anti-Semitism to keep "lesser Jews" cohesive

  • Manipulate women with ideas of "liberation"

  • Create economic depressions and inflations

  • Create "controlled opposition" to themselves

  • Use state debt as a weapon to enslave countries

  • Subvert and control all existing governments

  • Install tainted politicians that can be blackmailed

  • Manipulate college students with phony idealism

  • Assassinate world leaders

  • Spread deadly diseases

  • Use balance of power politics to control nations

  • Commit acts of terrorism

  • Promote sports and games to divert people

  • Start a world war which will include the USA

  • Set up world government after an economic crash

Some have alleged that the Protocols were forged by Russian security agents in order to convince the weak and naïve Czar Nicholas II of the New World Order's actual existence. Although the authenticity of the document remains in question, world events of the coming decades will match the Protocols so closely that the document becomes a worldwide sensation in the 1920's and '30's, and is still widely read in the Arab world today.

The elite's fananglings....




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[-] 1 points by Renneye (3874) 11 years ago

Thanks so much for that link. That's quite the perspective. Its amazing how events and time-lines make so much more sense, when you have the real history behind it !!