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Forum Post: For the "Betterment of America" - Not

Posted 11 years ago on May 22, 2012, 12:01 a.m. EST by SteveKJR (-497)
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[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 11 years ago

Here's a version put together by the "people against intellectual midgets foundation"

If I wanted America to fail, I would:

1) Strip its freedoms by passing a Patriot Act, build a giant homeland security bureaucracy, spend three times more money on intelligence, and bankrupt this country through an insistence on maintaining a global military footprint that would make even Caesar blush.

2) Refusing to acknowledge science, fighting against public investments in research and education, and trying to undermine our public infrastructure by fighting against modernization efforts.

3) Refusing to acknowledge the obvious fact that fossil fuels are harmful to our planet, and supplies are finite. Thus, the America haters fight every attempt to build a new energy future.

4) Consistently supporting the exceedingly pervasive reach of authoritarianism.

5) Fighting to further deregulate a financial system that's simply out of control.

6) Trying to undermine our public retirement and healthcare system, and keep decent healthcare out of reach for tens of millions of our citizens.

This is just a short list of what the America haters are up to. Whether the America haters are motivated by religious extremism or narcissism, it really doesn't matter. These are not decent or enlightened people. These are basically knuckle dragging barbarians who dream of taking us back in time. They hate women, those who don't look like them, and they especially hate intellectualism.

The only amazing fact is that in 2012--these intellectual midgets still somehow gain traction.

[-] 1 points by BetsyRoss (-744) 11 years ago


[-] 1 points by cJessgo (729) from Port Jervis, PA 11 years ago

Best thing I have seen on this forum in a long time.Good work.
