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Forum Post: Employers requesting facebook login info?

Posted 12 years ago on March 21, 2012, 9:16 a.m. EST by TheMessageOccupy (4)
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I think this is absurd! What gives them the right? Isnt this invasion of privacy?



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[-] 3 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

People need jobs in order to survive. When the economy is bad, people will do what it takes to get a job as they become powerless. This is why we have government. It is supposed to protect people from crap like this, but ours is failing us.

[-] 1 points by gestopomillyy (1695) 12 years ago

it definatley is an invasion of privacy. when this happens the best thing to do is lie. or maybe its time to delete you facebook account? this is a choice. while looking for work,, delete facebook.. then honestly say you dont have a facebook account . then later if you simply cannot survive get you another one under a nickname, make everything private and wha la. no problem

[-] 1 points by djtiger (1) from West Babylon, NY 12 years ago

yes this is str8 up Bullshyt!!!

[-] 1 points by TheMessageOccupy (4) 12 years ago

Employers shouldn't even consider doing this! But I understand what you're saying. I guess I would either remain unemployed or become an entrepreneur.

[-] 1 points by Rebdem (71) 12 years ago

there is no right. But its a company they have a choice to make there employees do this. You also have the choice to not do this and not work for them.