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Forum Post: Donald Trump Just Committed Treason On CNN

Posted 11 years ago on May 29, 2012, 5:07 p.m. EST by Kevinkyle (20)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Trump within the hour has just stepped over the line with unsubstantiated accusations about the President of the United States. He should be arrested for Treason for his lies and held without bail until he can prove them in a court of law. Not just his gut feelings, his comments put the President in danger in a campaign climate where radicals are potentially willing to act upon anything. He is also creating a situation undermining the most powerful individual we have at this time working with complicated world situations.



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[-] 5 points by Skippy2 (485) 11 years ago

Free speech exposes idiots. Thats why I love it. Thats why I'll fight to the death to protect it. Dont censor unpopular speech. One day some one will decide your speech is unpopular.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Great post!

[-] 3 points by ericweiss (575) 11 years ago

Your anti-trump rage

  • koch + norquist + walker + ryan .............
    is shared by me -
    but don't go there
    public figures especially - have fewer slander and libel protections
[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

Donald Trump made "You're Fired!" a meme in culture

We'd Like to Thank You Herbert Hoover - Annie the Musical

[-] -1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Maybe, but they still are allowed the constitutional protections of due process.. i.e. a crime must be proved BEYOND a shadow of a doubt, otherwise no one may be punished for an unproven lie... on top of that, it is, by law, on the accuser to PROVE his accusation, not the defendant. By constantly emitting his noxious poison into society without even the smallest atomic particle of proof to back up his noise, he by din of action causes not only irreparable harm to the accused, but also the nation because he causes severe division among the citizens of America, especially to those individuals to uneducated to know the truth from a lie. Trump simply believes that if he tells the lie enough, that he'll get enough Americans to be confused enough to vote against their own BEST self interest for themselves and their families. Because if Romney and the Repubs get control of the government, everybody can just kiss their freedoms goodbye, not to mention any chance at a fair shake in business, work, or aid. Romney will sell America off a little at a time to make a profit for himself and his investors, you know the 1%. Like Grover Norquist said, all they need is a trained monkey to hold the pen and sign what they want him to sign. If anyone is guilty of treason it is Grover Norquist. By Constitutional definition, he has subverted and suborned the congress of the United states in order to benefit corporations and Billionaires who use those bought congressionals to pass legislation that allows them to outsource jobs to foreign nations, among other profitable ventures, which in turn has severely weakened our National Security. Because, when our Economy suffers, then it becomes ripe for the picking. And just like the Football Stadium in Michigan, it gets sold to foreign nationals for a pittance, because those same said repubs prefered to sell off pieces of America rather than ask even ONE Billionaire to pay even one cent in the Taxes the OWE to America for the Benefits they achieved through the infrastructures the rest of us paid for, and they no longer want to pay for the upkeep on. If Romney and the Repubs get control, the "shining example of Freedom" that America has always been known for and seen as, will cease to exist, and become a feudal state worthy of 11th century England. Be prepared America to become Serf's and Peon's if the Radical repubs manage a coup on the government.

[-] 3 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

It's not Treason, it's the First Amendment.

[-] 0 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Maybe, but they still are allowed the constitutional protections of due process.. i.e. a crime must be proved BEYOND a shadow of a doubt, otherwise no one may be punished for an unproven lie... on top of that, it is, by law, on the accuser to PROVE his accusation, not the defendant. By constantly emitting his noxious poison into society without even the smallest atomic particle of proof to back up his noise, he by din of action causes not only irreparable harm to the accused, but also the nation because he causes severe division among the citizens of America, especially to those individuals to uneducated to know the truth from a lie. Trump simply believes that if he tells the lie enough, that he'll get enough Americans to be confused enough to vote against their own BEST self interest for themselves and their families. Because if Romney and the Repubs get control of the government, everybody can just kiss their freedoms goodbye, not to mention any chance at a fair shake in business, work, or aid. Romney will sell America off a little at a time to make a profit for himself and his investors, you know the 1%. Like Grover Norquist said, all they need is a trained monkey to hold the pen and sign what they want him to sign. If anyone is guilty of treason it is Grover Norquist. By Constitutional definition, he has subverted and suborned the congress of the United states in order to benefit corporations and Billionaires who use those bought congressionals to pass legislation that allows them to outsource jobs to foreign nations, among other profitable ventures, which in turn has severely weakened our National Security. Because, when our Economy suffers, then it becomes ripe for the picking. And just like the Football Stadium in Michigan, it gets sold to foreign nationals for a pittance, because those same said repubs prefered to sell off pieces of America rather than ask even ONE Billionaire to pay even one cent in the Taxes the OWE to America for the Benefits they achieved through the infrastructures the rest of us paid for, and they no longer want to pay for the upkeep on. If Romney and the Repubs get control, the "shining example of Freedom" that America has always been known for and seen as, will cease to exist, and become a feudal state worthy of 11th century England. Be prepared America to become Serf's and Peon's if the Radical repubs manage a coup on the government.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

First off, Trump was ambushed by Blitzer. He wasn't even there to talk about Obama's birth certificate.

Pay attention at 5:08:


Secondly, Obama has been behaving like a Manchurian candidate for a while now: the NDAA (indefinite detainment without trial), executive ordered drone strikes (without trial), the Libyan war (without Congressional approval), etc. The idea that he's being protected by the powers that be shouldn't be considered a leap in an unbiased analysis of the situation.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Point one: I don't care whether trump was ambushed. Trump has no business making claims he can't prove. It's the old saying "Put up or Shut Up" Point Two: by your analogy, a police officer in pursuit of a criminal who shoots back at the officer is not allowed to shoot at, and even kill the criminal in question, right? Because the police officer didn't hold a trial before he shot the criminal he pursued or came upon. As for indefinate detainment, talk to congress, they won't cooperate with him to progress that matter and as for Libya, we were asked for help, human rights abuses WERE in evidence, and NOT ONE American boot touch soil, so as the Quote "Shining Example of Freedom" that we espouse ourselves to be, we rendered such assistance ALONG with the rest of our ALLIES in Nato. Too many idiots in our government today want us to become an Empire like Rome once was, dictating to the world our will for their existence. Take a guess why there are actually people out there who hate us. We all live on this planet together, and in the words of a famously abused man "Can't we all just get along"

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

To cut through all of this bullshit compromising and rationalizing of Executive Dictatorship, let's just realize the situation for what it is. The Western financial world is on the brink of collapse, which means, soon our money will be so worthless we'll be wiping our asses with it. So what's going to happen after that? What happened in 1929 Weimar Germany once their currency was hyperinflated and destroyed by bankers?

Do you think the 1% hasn't already planned for this? Do you police state is being built-up just for shits and giggles? Do you think the NDAA is a joke? Whether people choose Obama over Romney, or Romney over Obama its not going to make a difference. They are both fascists. Flip the chessboard, kick out both of these bums and get the anti-banker/anti-fascist policies in place that we need!

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 11 years ago

I agree, but I think you forgot to mention that WW3 is a possibility also. The world's military leaders are against it, on all sides, thank God, but who knows what the maniacs could pull off in terms of provocation if they get desperate enough.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Of course they have planned for this, however, I don't think they have planned on just how fanatical Americans are about their freedoms and rights. I can almost guarantee that if the repubs succeed in infringing on a large majority of American Citizens rights to vote and the like, the Civil and Revolutionary wars will be remembered only a Chuck E Cheese Parties. Too many people have fought and died for the rights that were theirs to begin with, but was suborned by sick twisted evil tyranical, forgive the term here, White Men. Their racists views were only sometimes just shadows of their greed. The Repubs and especially the Koch brothers may be savagely trying to destroy our public education system in the hopes that the less education one has, the more susceptible they are to indoctrination and gullibility. Problem is, social media, google, and wikipedia have turned out to be fair substitutes on occasion.. "Truth will out", as they say. But if they 1%ers and the repubs think Americans will just lay down and take it up..nevermind, then they are delusional...money does do that to some sometimes. As for weaponizing our police forces, never forget, that they are Americans too, and not all of them will go along with orders or actions they know to be morally, ethically and to a great degree, legally ambiguous and wrong. There are always sychophants, but they are VASTLY outnumbered 99-to-1, no matter how many mercenaries the rich buy up. Protests may be peaceful now, but I predict that could change in a flash, when the first bodies begin to pile up at the feet of the police state as you call it. If the one percent want to wake this sleeping bear by shedding blood in its cave, they better hope their preparations include hightailing it to other lands real fast, because on that day the bear will hunt them till the bear loses the scent, as well as, interest of pursuit. Want to educate the 1%, stop purchasing anything from anyone whose product is not made, produced, fabricated, packaged and grown here in the U.S.A, That makes our economy STAY local, not sent off to china or india. How do you get a rich job and product exporting man's attention, you stop feeding his wallet, and go feed someone elses who in turn intends to circulate that money around so that one day it winds up back in your wallet again, just in time to start the cycle all over again. Just advice. I do it, and believe me I don't lack for the necessities. I may not indulge in the excess luxuries anymore, but I truthfully can say I don't miss them either.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Thinking "white men" are the problem is a bigot's answer to a much larger problem. You might as well "blame it on the Jews" with that type of attitude.

Also, the whole idea that a violent civil war is the answer shows how nonsensical your worldview is. Prepare for drone strikes with that type of attitude.

This was originally about occupying Wall Street, because Wall Street is the number one problem, and Wall Street's color is Green.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Enlighten me, Up until the 1950's, just who controlled the, shall we say, auspices of power in our Nation... I forget... was it Black men, or as the White men called them, Negroes, which for the most part was the politest term ascribed to African Americans... no I don't think they held the reins of power in a nation that was supposed to be living by the words in a document that said something to the effect..."ALL' men are created equal..." Oh that's right, the white men solved that problem by simply 'DECLARING' that black men were only 3/5ths men... Ok, so it must have been the Asians who controlled everything... no... they were forced into menial labor camps for white mens pittances... Oh I give up... just who is it that seems to have the greatest problem with a Black Man occupying the "WHITE" house...oh, I'm sure it'll come to me later... you were saying something about civil war... I'm sorry but what do you think the last 'civil war' was all about? What kind of ice cream to have with the chocolate birthday cake? Or was it something even more sinister...like certain classes of society believing that they had the right to decide who were permitted to have civil rights and be protected under the laws of the Constitution...perhaps? By extension, can you identify for me what are the various ethnic percentages that describe the upper 1%... I bet the majority is Native Americans...right? No? Really? Then it's got to be the Blacks.... what do you mean no? All right then I give up... what ethnic group makes up the greatest percentile of power and money in our Nation... You're Kidding me...no way... but I've been hearing so many stories about how the white man is the new minority... and now you're... I just can't believe it.... wait here... I'm going to go check these FACTS, that it is white men who have hoarded all the greatest amount of money and power all for themselves in this nation... of course it may take a while... oh wait.. no it won't, there are the FACTS right there... wow, I guess it is true... man who would have believed.... As for drone strikes, well if you declare yourself an Enemy of the United States, the Constitution does grant the President the right to Protect the U.S. from all enemies, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. Sometimes its a little hard to hold a trial for someone when they are shooting at you in battlefield conditions or the like..Wall street has its share of criminals, but because of the way White Men in power set up our judicial system in regards to wall street just after glass stegal was repealed.. none of those white men ever had to worry that they would ever be charged with a crime, let alone serve time for one. Inequality comes in many forms... and this nation has almost suffered every single one of them, but the country has "progressed" to better ways since its inception... Of course their are those who wish to "conserve" the old ways and prejudices...I think they are called the GOP, Greedy Ole Parasites or Pachyderms or whatever.. Hey, money may or may not be the ROOT of all Evil, I happen to think it has something to do with how it is planted and cultivated. If it is grown to provide for all to have equal opportunity in society, then all is well and good... but alas most plant it, then hide the bounty only for themselves, and even GO OUT OF THEIR WAY, to try to steal what you have growing in your backyard, and then dare to claim they should be entitled to it. Anyways, just thought of a few things

[-] 0 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

If you look at the heads of banks, they are mainly Jewish men. With your demographics rationale, you might as well blame it on the Jews.

But, more clearly, you're just a bigot and a fool, blaming problems on a skin color rather than on individuals and their actions.

[-] 2 points by francismjenkins (3713) 11 years ago

CEO Wells Fargo, John Stumpf, CEO BOA, Kenneth D. Lewis, CEO Merrill Lynch, John A. Thain, CEO Morgan Stanley, John J. Mack, CEO NY Mellon Bank, Robert P. Kelly, CEO State Street Corp, Ronald E. Logue. None of these guys are Jewish, although, the CEO's of Citigroup, JP Morgan, and Goldman are Jewish (but the point is, the heads of banks are NOT "mainly" Jewish, WASP's seem to dominate the field).

Also, look at the board of directors of a company like JP Morgan:


Again, mostly WASP names.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Jeez, now I'm going to have to seem like an anti-Semite. OK, here it goes:

Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan of the same, Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Feldstein of AIG, etc.

I was just drawing the parallel between matoinyanawacis' critique and the "blame the Jews" critique. She blames the world's problems on "White Men", which is a bigot's answer, just like saying it is the "Jews"!

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 11 years ago

I'm not accusing you of bigotry (by any means ... I did understand the context of your remarks), but the majority of CEO's of financial institutions are not Jewish, although obviously Blankfein, Bernanke, and Greenspan are. Nevertheless, I suppose I can understand why some would blame the worlds problems on white men (although, being a white male myself, not exactly a distinction I'm eager to embrace). There was a good documentary on PBS about western civilization, which pointed to the western drive to "civilize" the planet (and it made a very compelling case). I'm not sure what to make of this, but it is a historical fact.

However, the entire history should be considered before reaching these sort of conclusions. For instance, would the ancient Greeks have acquired their military prowess if it wasn't for the Persians (who kept invading them)? Would Rome have risen to power if the Greeks never rose to power? Would the Germans, once the barbarians of the western world, have risen to power if Rome never rose to power? Would the English people exist as they do today, if the Romans never invaded Britain?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

It's pretty simple, all the different races are mental constructs. There is really only one race, the human race; we sometimes rise in one area of the world and fall in another, but that does not make one group inherently superior or inferior to another.

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 11 years ago

Amen to that ....

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Jewish, Huh? let me guess, you're German right? Apparently, not only do you lack fundamental literacy skills, but you also seem to have a fixation with the Jews... IFFFFF you actually read my post, you would have been overwhelmingly inundated with the references to the ACTIONS of INDIVIDUALS and the abuse of the power and wealth they have gained to the detriment of others.. The fact that you were unable to discern those FACTS from my post lead me to believe that you represent 1 of 3 possible reasons for such obtuseness. 1. You are the end result of the Koch brothers efforts to reduce the I.Q. of our citizenry, thus making them gullible and ready for Republican indoctrination... 2. Your own true Bigotry is so prevalent that even if the truth slapped you in the face, kicked you in the balls and shanked you up the wahzoo, you would still be unable to recognize it....and 3. You are actually an agent of the 1%, or the part of the 1% itself, sent (engaging) in these posts with the intent to cause dissension and disruption by introducing duplicitous dichotomies aimed at confusing truly conscientious generous citizens. What did hitler say, (he truly doesn't deserve a captial H) "The Bigger the lie told, and the more it is told with passion and conviction, the more the weak willed will believe it." Provide FACTS with your diatribes next time, so that your arguments won't lack the moxie you so desperately seem to want to evince to others... Oh, and if you failed to read any of my other posts under this topic, you will have discovered I'm Native American... I have no prejudices, well, except against stupidity and deliberate malfeasance. As for Skin Color, that seems to be your hang up, my references were solely expressed as statements of FACTS, not opinion. If you possess FACTS that would refute MY FACTS, please feel free to post them for my perusal, unlike some, I am open minded enough to listen to counterarguments. But make no mistake, opinions will never be a viable substitute for FACTS. The evidence of malfeasance on the part of the 1% and the Republican Party are FACTS not capable of being refuted. They have Obstructed, Stalled, Interfered, Plundered and Pillaged every single opportunity for speeding up our nations recovery... and it was done by intent and design, not by accident... they made their INTENT and ACTIONS to harm our economy, with the sole goal of harming President Obama's chances to fix the damage THEY caused to begin with, their STATED GOAL ABOVE ALL ELSE. Anyways, Hopefully your obtuseness is a result of reason #1, because if your one of the other two.. well then, that means there is no hope for your redemption.

[-] 0 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

You're the one fixated on race! That was the whole point of me saying you might as well "blame it on the Jews", because that is essentially the type of critique you are making about "White Men".

I'm done with this lunacy.

[-] 0 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

so YOU are claiming ALL "white men" are jews because I am referring to the historical FACTS of human rights abuses in our own nation (even though the Germans claimed to be the pure "white" race). If you want to fixate on the jews, that's on you. I cite FACTS, and those FACTS "identify" that historically, 'White Men' have PREDOMINANTLY, and even PRESENTLY been at the core of wealth, abuse of power and bigotry (racism), NOT all mind you, but the 1% sure as hell are PREEEEDOMMINNNANTTTLLLY white, or can you provide PROOF to the contrary... and by the way, you might as well switch the "i" and "e" back around, put the "C" back and get rid of the "T" in your moniker. I mean you were trying to spell "Reich" right? You WERE trying to create a cryptogram, right? You're right talking with racists is lunacy, life is challenging enough without having to deal with ideological fanatics who believe that only their views and desires deserve gratification. May your journey be filled with wisdom, and that you learn to walk beside it with joy. Life is too short to live with so much hate and divisiveness.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

You're either trolling me, not getting the context of my statements, projecting your racist tendencies on me and/or insane.

Try rereading the thread before you get back to me on that.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Henala Hemaca hechetu welo

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Are you casting a spell?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

a Manchurian candidate

interesting science fiction but the mide is more liquid than to be split

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

I meant the term "Manchurian Candidate" loosely. Nevertheless, Obama seems to have been put in power to implement draconian policies against the general population, things that Bush/Cheney could have never dreamed of doing.

And unfortunately, there is deep complicity in the media and due to the ongoing race issues in the USA, particularly liberal guilt, it has made many people on the supposed "Left" turn a blind eye to Obama's crimes. Just because Obama's a strong orator, verging on being an actor, and Black doesn't mean he is here to bring paradise for the 99%. His policies point clearly to that he is here to bring the police state on the USA, while continuing a war policy abroad and allowing the economy to grind itself to a halt.

[-] 1 points by arturo (3169) from Shanghai, Shanghai 11 years ago

I've heard others speak of Obama as a Manchurian Candidate as well, Webster Tarpley, for one.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Tarpley's one smart cookie.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

Obama's a strong orator

trisylabic meter is easy to follow

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

lol It sounds like you are equating Obama to Dr. Seuss.


[-] -1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 11 years ago

I believe in this highly partisan climate what he said is tantamount to yelling fire in a crowded theater.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

That is absolute nonsense.

[-] 0 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 11 years ago

No, what The hair club for men president said was nonsense. What i said was just making an argument against his seditious slander.

[-] 1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

No,what you said was asinine and ridicules and is typical fair for you progtards.

[-] 0 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

Doing an investigation is not a form of slander. Slander would be to knowingly make a false accusation against someone. Trump and others are actively pursuing the evidence in the matter and simply stating their opinion.

I saw the interview. It's not slander.

[-] 0 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 11 years ago

You really believe he said what he said so an investigation would be done. He said what he said so as to rally the base. And considering a part of the right wing base comes off as unstable, I believe he is playing with fire. No, it was freedom of speech for him to say it before he seen the birth certificate. This time around, he is just playing electoral politics. The best forms of political propaganda is character assassination and creating doubt. Clambering for a birth certificate is just pandering to the lowest common denominator, while utilizing both types of dirty tricks.

[-] 0 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

The investigation into Obama's birth certificate started years ago. Wolf Blitzer ambushes Trump with the subject of Obama's birth certificate:


Notice at 5:08 particularly. when Trump says "But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to talk [about], as you said you would: jobs, China..", being that he wasn't on the show to talk Obama birth certificate issue in the first place. If you follow the thread of the whole interview, Trump was clearly ambushed.

[-] 0 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 11 years ago

Ok, two can play that game. All Rightwingers are conspiracy theorists, but I'm not here to talk about that, i'm here to talk about wealth inequality and the decimation of the middle class. See how that works. But yes Wolf Blitzer should not have went there. But at the same time I did not hear the president of the hair club for men denounce his earlier claims instead I heard him bolster the claim, then play victim of media bias. He is good, gotta give him that.

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

I think you are being dishonest or simply didn't view the interview. Your previous statement shows that you didn't seem to know that Trump is investigating the issue, not simply making claims out of hand:

"...it was freedom of speech for him to say it before he seen the birth certificate. This time around, he is just playing electoral politics."

I understand that Obama supporters are looking for any ammunition against his opponents, but attacking the Bill of Rights for the sake of the Obama campaign is the act of treason; not Trump's opinions and his investigation into Obama's birth certificate.

[-] 1 points by JesseHeffran (3903) 11 years ago

You are right. It was not illegal what he did. I miss spoke. But I stick to my claim that he is pandering to the Birthers' block, and the fact that he is supporting Romney, makes me believe the investigation is just political theater, which will rally the Birthers' base. His actions breath new life into the controversy and rally them to vote.

[-] 2 points by riethc (1149) 11 years ago

You should really get a better gauge to tell when you are being manipulated. People who play the typical Left/Right politics assume it is always the other side which is being dishonest.

From someone who doesn't have a horse in the race, let me tell you, the mainstream media is one of the most crooked industry in the country, not far behind the financial sector.

[-] 2 points by geminijlw (176) from Mechanicsburg, PA 11 years ago

He is just starting to sound like Rush, and if people believe this, they are just as looney.

[-] 1 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 11 years ago

being an ass is not illegal

[-] 1 points by Kevinkyle (20) 11 years ago

your right, but ya gotta make up some sheot

[-] 1 points by TheMisfit (48) 11 years ago

18 U.S.C. § 2381 : US Code - Section 2381: Treason

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Hyperbole much?

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

so treason is an act of war

or supported those that would enact war

I don't understand the death penalty

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 11 years ago

I need to see an end to this monkey

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago
[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 11 years ago

and why do I care about obama ?

[-] 1 points by francismjenkins (3713) 11 years ago

Yes Trump is a clown, but it was controversial speech that the first amendment was designed to protect, and anyway, it's virtually impossible to take legal action against Trump for talking shit about the President. However, we do have the power of the remote control :)

[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 11 years ago

No. Not at all.

You're talking about taking away freedom of speech. Sadly you can't have free speech and also silence morons.

Unless Donald Ass Clown is making threats... there's nothing you can do except bitch about the Donald on the internet.

What if your speech is putting Donald Trump in danger? You said he committed treason. What if some yahoo believed that the Donald committed treason? In this crazy age where terrorists are still a threat... some yahoo could get protective and go after the Donald. It's a bad idea to pass laws on weird "if" statements made by idiots with a bad tv show.

Obama's complicated world situations have a lot to do with putting sanctions on countries and bombing others. He should stop doing that and bring the troops home. All of them. No more nation building. We need to build our nation right now.

[-] 1 points by TitusMoans (2451) from Boulder City, NV 11 years ago

It's Trump. George Will, who I normally don't pay much attention to, defined the Donald to a t: "a bloviating ignoramus." Truer words were rarely spoken.

[-] 0 points by linker (-241) 11 years ago

what did he say? look who's making accusations without providing backup lol!

[-] 0 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 11 years ago

At best its seditious libel.


[-] -1 points by betuadollar (-313) 11 years ago

I agree with Trump. Absolutely.

[-] -2 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

The Preezy is nothing more then a choomer from Kenya and to believe otherwise is to be ignorant. Trump is correct,the BC is a forgery and if you did any research on it you would know that. It is a Photoshop piece of crap. The fact that you progressives have bought into his fabrication and are so devoutly following him is proof of a cult of personality and look what happened to Jim Jones and his followers,that is essentially what is taking place with the gullible Left in this country.

You will put all your faith and trust into a man whose entire foundation in life is based on lies. Even after four years of absolute total failure in policies and direction and nothing but lies you will once again pull the lever for the Lying Kenyon in Chief.

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

So is yours, don't you know that no one born in this country is a true American except the Native Americans. All others are Immigrants brought to these shores from other lands. And according to you no federal office whose responsibility it is to record such live births in this nation should be considered legitimate, because the paper they write on are all PHOTOCOPIES. But however, if your supposition is that you're an American simply because you were born here, or your parents were born here, so what, President Obama's MOTHER was born in America right. By law, even if, and I BY NO MEANS believe he was born anywhere other than in Hawaii, but even if he had been born in a foreign nation, the simple FACT that his Mother was an UNDISPUTED American, would have by the laws in effect during the days of President Obama's birth, accorded President Obama DUAL citizenship by DEFAULT. But as "I HAVE NO DOUBT AS TO THE LEGITIMACY OF HIS HAWAIIAN BIRTHPLACE", I find blowflies such as Trump and you to be truthfully afraid that your personal character flaws of Hate and racism to be a dying animal soon, hopefully, to be extinct. Oh, I'm sure there will be occasional resurgences of regressive primitive DNA, but like the Neandethal, they will soon be fully submerged by a much more beneficial advanced lifeform. As much as some people would like to return the human race back to cave man politics, the more advanced humans will forever be able to out-think and outsmart such primitives. Wastealo Mitakuye Oyasin.

[-] 1 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 11 years ago

Not to diminish more recent history, but Native Americans came from other lands as well, originally. So, at what point does it become legit? Ten generations? A hundred? Who decides? I'm not being defensive, I think it's a valid point. My parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents (a few more on my mom's side) were all born here. To paraphrase a line from someone else, I am not a hyphenated American. I believe such hyphenations divide us.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Bravo.. my philosophy exactly.. Native philosophy is no one owns the land they live on. They may own the house they build upon the land, but they cannot own Mother Earth. A famous and wise Native American once made a statement to the U.S. President in the mid 1800's. He said "Perhaps you think the Creator sent you here to dispose of us as you see fit, If I thought you were sent by the Creator, I might be induced to think you had a right to dispose of me. Do not misunderstand me, but understand me fully with reference to my affection for the land. I never said the land was mine to do with as I choose, the one who has the right to dispose of it, is the one who has created it. I claim a right to live on my land, and accord you the privilege to return to yours." Now don't misunderstand me, as many others did this wise man. He was never advocating that the white man go back to England. He was simply stating I claim this spot to lay down my bedroll and put up my Tipi. And considering the vast wide open space of the land around them all, he simply stated that so long as you don't lay your bedroll and Tipi on top of mine we would never have cause to argue or fight. Simply, Native Americans had always been willing to share the bounty of Mother Earth with all who not only desired it, but needed it. Greed was a concept exceedingly foreign and nigh on incomprehensible to Native Americans. Hell, our own Government and Constitution was based upon the every day culturally democratic behaviors of the Native tribes of this continent. So enamored of the positively communal and cooperative generosity of the, I hesitate to call it politics, Native lifestyle, they began to see just how unjust their existence was under the rule of a Monarchy and Aristocracy. So 'Began' the push for communal equality that later lead to the revolutionary war and subsequently our present day democracy. Of course, to look at it now, it would seem that the rich want to return America to the days of the Aristocracy. Their pushing for it.. but Americans tend to be extremely jealous of having a say about their own destiny. You could say that is why most people today are really pissed. They are only just beginning to realize just how much their control of their own destiny has been stolen, suborned, subverted and downright sabotaged all so that a select few can amass untold wealth and power, even over life and death, if you look at the inequality of our justice system. But to return to the point, I too though of Native descent, also have ancestors of European origin as well. I am the proverbial American Mutt, and damn proud of it, simply because, though there are many who are trying to turn our Great Nation into Hegemony or dictatorial police state, I still love this Great land and the greater Majority of those whom I call my neighbors, or as Native Americans say, relations. For as we are all children of Mother Earth, so to are we then siblings to one another. And I mean everybody. Animal, fish, insect or bird. We all share Mother Earths bounty.. Those who abuse her, abuse ALL of us. You poison one of her rivers, then you poison the next one to drink from it. You steal all the apples from the tree because you don't want anyone else to take any of them, then you starve the next passerby who could have used its Freely Given sustenance to live. Greed IS NOT GOOD! I don't care how many ways they try to explain the type of Capitalism that has been in practice now for roughly the last few decades. Focus on shared responsibility for our Nation has been perverted by those who believe themselves entitled to the simple working mans blood, sweat and tears of labor, but that only they should reap vast rewards for others actual work. But you are right, we are all Americans.. I only wish most Americans would learn what that truly means, and that it does not mean that only one ethnic group, or financial class, or religious ideology can be defined as Americans. True Americanship can only be defined as the title implies.." The 'UNITED' States of America.. thus we are supposed to be UNITED in the common purpose that gave birth to our nation..and that purpose was beautifully written into our most precious documents. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America... "WE THE PEOPLE, in order to form a more perfect UNION, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, Provide for the COMMON defense, Promote the GENERAL Welfare... and so on.. Powerful words, yet many today have no clue what those simple words really mean, and that is really sad. If the republicans get their way this November, and they manage to put Romney in the White house, and worse yet, manage to get a majority in both houses, then be prepared to witness the death of the Constitution, which the Republicans have promised to 'Change' to reflect THEIR ideologies. Which by the way are simply the handed down orders of their masters, the 1%. They have been working for years for this opportunity to remake America into the image they want. They started by interfering years ago in the educational system...after all, the less educated a person is, the easier it is to indoctrinate them through lies and gullible enough to act upon those lies even against their own best self interest. There is an old saying, man is the only dumb animal that kills others of its own kind for money. The 1% have wiped out whole families and cultures simply for the possession of green paper, Go figure. Anyways have a nice one or Wastealo

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

If ignorance is bliss,you must be the happiest motherfucker this side of the Pecos.

Look Tonto,the whole White man stole Injun land bit is worn out okay? I'm assuming you're an American because you were actually born here right? I know I am because I was born here,but Barry wasn't very forthcoming in the first place about his BC. It was only after a major kerfuffle that he then felt it politically advantages for himself to present this Photoshopped BC. Now there is a advertising document that claims Barry was born in Kenya,so go figure.

Just because you are an obvious Obama Drone don't cop an attitude because the rest of us don't just fall in line.

You may be a true believer of Obama but you can quit the race card bullshit cause that is all just a Leftist ploy that is also worn out.

You can call me all the names you want and play that "I'm so progressive and evolved" bullshit but your just an obsessed Leftist who has a moral superiority complex and thinks himself better then anybody else.

wakta na yuto keca kigle nitawa i conze na aglatosa

hasapa gnaye niye owe wakankan

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Wow I'm impressed that you were able to use a lakota dictionary in order to call me a boastful and lying blackfoot indian. But you need to work on the grammer, you had your personal possessive preceding your verb. Nice combo though. As for MY superiority complex, that's rich... answer this question... there is a house built by a man long deceased, which stands next to a huge apple tree full of apples, when one day three men come upon the place. One white man, one black man, one native man. None of them built the house, none planted the tree.. who owns the house, who owns the land, and who owns the tree? Is it the one who runs fastest to stake the claim? Is it the one who wins a hand to hand combat to the death? Whose owns all the apples on the tree? Which one has the right to deny a passing starving man access to the apple tree to sate his hunger? Whatever leftist obsession you seem to believe I have is NOTHING compared to the extreme right wing dogma you seem to espouse. Freedom of speech is all well and good so long as it does not impinge, impede or infringe upon the personal LIBERTIES of others. The racist mentality which assigns social order to a society based upon material wealth and ownership is not only destructive, but evolutionarily regressive. I neither enjoy, nor seek to denigrate another human being for their character flaws, as I am certain I have many of my own. But I will however never fail to point out injustice, unfairness and bigotry when I see it. Oh as for your claim of birth in the United States, unlike you, I WILL take your word for it. I'm sure others would like to dissect your certificate, question your "alleged" doctor, interrogate all registered patients that were on locale the day you were born, oh.. and require video proof of the birthing room events. As for the State officer who recorded the event, I'm sure some would like to vet his national security clearance along with TWO notary publics who witnessed his recording the events as they occurred in full essay detail. However, I tend to take people at their word.. others however seem to think that people like President Obama KNEW that he was going to be PRESIDENT even before he was born and went through the process to invent his American Identity....wait a minute... check the original, get it carbon dated...oh wait your right wing.. you don't believe in science, only rhetoric.. never mind.. Anyways work on your Lakota, and remember.. learn the grammer. Ki Taku Oyasin Kehan Nupintu Waste Na Sica Wahocakiya

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

Actually what I meant to say to you was that

"hope and change has left you angry and boastful"


"The Black skin was deceiving and lying" (meaning Obama)

Sorry,no disrespect was intended just having fun with it.

Yeah,yeah I get it you're a Leftist and are proud of it. It's a free country and you are welcome here at OWS for they seem to only support Obama and the Democrats anyway.

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

No, they support Fairness and justice.. they're very intolerant of thieves who rob them of their livelihoods and have the nerve to call it free market capitalism.. when a crook makes a product (that 9 times out of 10 is substandard, ie, just plain crap) for a TOTAL overhead cost of a $1.00 and then turn around and sell it for ten or twenty dollars just to get a mega percentage profit. they are not trading value for value. Thus is inequality achieved. When Americans wake up and realize that the only way to enlighten the 1%, is to stop 'literally' buying their 'crap', and thus inform them that they need to pay their fair share and stop ratcheting up the wealth gap with wage stagnation, outrageous profiteering, and decent working conditions conducive to allowing a person the dignity of not only being able to afford a home and food, but also be able to live stress free of wondering when their whole family will be living in a car because the greed of the rich doesn't allow them to accept a generous profit from their business.. No obscene profits is the least they will accept, which means they have to steal it out of the pockets of the rest of America. I don't care whether a person gets rich, in fact I applaud ingenuity and innovation leading to a healthy profit. Its how they achieve their wealth that determines whether it is "FILTHY". Romney didn't give a damn who lost their job, as long as he got paid..He didn't care who lost their pension, so long as he got paid while leaving someone else with the debt.. And he sure as hell doesn't give a damn whether anyone not in his financial class has ANY form of health care, so long as he gets paid the insurance money, while he left the business to declare bankruptcy and then get the rest of America to pay off the debt HE (Romney) incurred and saddled to the company I am fully convinced he deliberately and intentionally meant to drive into a ditch so he could collect the insurance check. Romney is a slimy businessman. He builds nothing, he creates nothing, and he benefits NO ONE.. but himself. As President, he would rape America like he raped the companies he took over. Call that leftist if you want, that's on you, but as a man who spent a life cultivating intelligence and common sense, I am more than capable of telling which candidate intends to help MY and YOUR country to recover and grow prosperous again, and which intends to rape it, pillage it, plunder it, and then think he can then just walk away with the profits while leaving a dead and/or dying husk of a nation behind him.. By the way, President Obama is the former... the one who WANTS to help the nation, but like a fireman trying to save a victim from a burning building, it isn't the fireman's fault if he can't reach the victim because there are a gang of thugs and despots pulling and pushing him back, hanging on his arms and legs to immobilize him, and last but not least hack his ladder (the teeth in his laws which prevent fraud and criminal enterprises, etcetc.) to pieces so that if he does somehow get past the thugs (in congress) he won't be able to reach the victim (America), Call me whatever name you want, I at least am capable of seeing the difference between a lie and the truth. And Creator willing, the vast majority of Americans will too, soon enough to make sure that not only does Romney not get elected to be President, but that like in 2010, Americans will see the mistake they made in trusting the Repubs who never intended to obey their will, and really pay attention this time to the TRUE RECORDS of the candidates they vote to the House and Senate and make sure this time that there is Representation with that Taxation. Americans are not all stupid, that's why the Repubs are acting like Nazis combined with Stalinists, by targeting certain Americans they know beyond a shadow of a doubt will never believe their falsehoods and fall prey to their stormtrooping behavior. In Nazi Germany they were called the Brown shirts, today in America they're called "Stand your grounders" now. The worst insult the repubs make is their belief that women are so stupid that they are not FULLY aware of just what the Repub party is up to with their invasion and attack of a woman's health and Healthcare. Any fool that thinks that they are that stupid is in for one hell of an eye opener...But then I guess that's what the male chauvanist pigs intents really are, try their best to make everything a woman does illegal so that they can charge them with felonies and subsequently strip them of their constitutional rights....including the right to vote. Seems the Repubs have that heavy hair high up in their wahzoo's, voting rights.. but then I'm sure 'you' won't have any problems voting huh? I'm sure you're a republican, in fact I'm fairly certain your what's commonly referred to as a chaos theorist, whose job it is is to create the greatest amount of chaos and confusion about a given subject so that people become distracted from the truth of an issue because they are too busy arguing with you... luckily, I'm a multi-tasker.. I'm actually listening to the news, and my music while I'm writing this post, all while petting one of my dogs newly born puppies with my foot. What was I saying... just kidding.. Anyways have a nice day, and you likely won't understand the reference, but I hope one day that you will walk with the Rainbow People. May Mother Earth always provide for you her bounty.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

"injun"??? <------ Why don't you keep your racist insults out of this forum.

Its bad enough you are too ignorant to realize that you are advocating for the 1% criminals who wrecked the world economy and prey on you and your family. Keep your racism to your backwoods Klan meetings.

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

"injun" is not racist,it is a jest you freaking alarmist.

The next trick in your activist bag will be to arrange a protest in front of my house,make me lose my job,hack into my email and attempt to harass my entire family till we move out of the state or country. Does that pretty much sum it up?

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Actually it is a racist remark, same a spook, chink, hick, redneck etcetc., but unlike some, I am not offended by the remark.. I hold a simple philosophy... "The only reason to get mad about what someone calls you is because you secretly believe it yourself.." Believe me I have been called FAR worse things. My heritage is just that, My heritage. I feel no shame regarding the path of my ancestors, because if it wasn't for their existence and sacrifices, I would not be here today. My self worth and dignity cannot be defined by others words, only by my own heart and conscience. I try to be a good man and treat others with respect and courtesy. However, I also walk the path of "fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me". I give no one a second chance to abuse me without great vetting, if you will. I believe anyone can have a change of heart, but can never truly be trusted again. Truth is truth, there are no shades, no points of views, no "ways of looking at it", you can call a cup, a plate, but no matter how you look at it, it is still a cup. So too is a man's character defined by his actions, not his words. That is why anyone who claims the repubs are not committing nigh on treasonous conduct by ignoring the will of their constituents, needs to get a better prescription for their eyeglasses. The Repubs Actions speak much louder than the lies they spout to disclaim those actions.

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

Sorry for any misunderstandings but I don't use "injun" as a put down. It's the same to me as if a person says "ya'll" as opposed to "you all" or "I'm fix'in to" as opposed to "I'm about to" or "thang" as opposed to "thing",to me "injun" is just a southern/old west way of saying Indian. That's where that came from. The fact that I've had to explain such an innocent and simple little jest to you and a couple of other race baiters only illustrates how hyper-sensitive,Politically correct and knee-jerk and accusatory our dialogue has become.

When one word,made in jest as a play on an old west inflection of the word "Indian" becomes an ordeal that sends several Leftist's into shame spirals and conniption fits clearly demonstrates how fucked up in the head the progressive Left has become in this country. They are nothing more than little Hitlers lurking around every paragraph of every page of every email/post/text message waiting to pounce on the slightest perceived verbal injustice to scream RACIST,RACIST,RACIST at the top of their lungs. If you consider yourself in that proud league of knee-jerk,hypersensitive,easily offended whiners than that is your burden to bear. I personally think that is a fucked up place to be regardless of politics.

[-] 1 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

My bad, I thought that was what I said. I was neither offended by nor bothered by the term "injun". Hey, I mean I've told my share of tasteless jokes believe me, but like you say, it was never said with intent to harm or insult with malice let alone racism. S'not how I'm wired. My focus was upon those who do use it to subvert and suborn our democracy for their radical ideologies. It is their actions that define their racism and masogyny. I thought I was saying "don't sweat it" when I used the phrase "I'm not offended..." So go in peace knowing there was no crime nor foul perceived. What's the christian thing... oh yeah "go with God in your heart, or Vaya con Dios or Wakan Tanka ni cante ob omani.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

"injun" is a racist slur! and you did use it! The birther crap you spew is also rooted in racism so.....You seem like a racist to me. If the hood fits.

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

Yeah,yeah,....I got it you're easily offended and everything is a racist slur to you. Some people just live to be offended and pick a fight.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

Not every thing is racist just slurs like the one you used ("injun"). And I have never accused anyone of being a racist on this site because no one has been so hateful as to use a slur like I saw you use. I'm not really offended. I'm a big boy. and I'm not pickin a fight I just don't like it. In fact I like to call it out. I don't like racists. I think they are viruses in our society. And I think you are a racist! Racist! You should be shunned and isolated in a progressive society. Support OWS vote out anti immigrant politicians. (even those that are democrats)

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

You're hopeless and changeless and critically thoughtless.

[-] 0 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

You got a lot of name calling there but nothing to back it up. You support the 1%. They have bankrupted the country. You work against your own kind. Its traitorous. Support OWS. Vote out anti alternative energy politicians.! Do you support that racist?

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

There are plenty of black people and other minorities that are rich,you are clearly prejudiced against them. The fact that they have money and were successful instead of being kept down is what really bugs you isn't it? You can't stand to see people of color become successful and rich,you want them to stay in the ghetto and be poor don't you,.....you closet racist.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 11 years ago

How people stand on issues is what matters. Many 1%'rs support the 99% and the Buffett rule. I didn't use a racist slur like you! I didn't spew the racist birther crap you did. To equate anti 1% with racist is foolish, and childish. You can't convince anyone they are related. Racist!

[-] 0 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

Bullshit,it is very demonstrative,just by reading your statements.

[-] 1 points by writerconsidered123 (344) 11 years ago

Free speech exposes idiots. Thats why I love it. Thats why I'll fight to the death to protect it. Dont censor unpopular speech. One day some one will decide your speech is unpopular.

thanks for the perfect reply skippy


[-] 0 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 11 years ago

Just when I was starting to think that you may have some reasoning and logical thinking abilities, it turns out that you are a BIRTHER? You do know who does the vetting for governmental positions right?

[-] 0 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

The term "Birther" was contrived as a negative to further undermine any validity of the people that are not convinced by Hussein's claims of domestic birth. I'm more intrigued by the attitude of people that seem so willing to believe Barry on this particular issue,where as,he has lied about so many other things. Have you done any research on his long form BC? There are legitimate professionals that know with out a doubt that it was Photo shopped. They base it on the gray scales/tone of the fonts and some more very detailed evidence.

No,I don't know who does the vetting. But do I know that the Govt. fucks things up and makes mistakes?....Yes I do know that. Do I completely trust the Govt. to vet Obama thoroughly?..........No,I do not.

I reason that Obama has lied before and has no desire to be transparent or forthcoming on anything. So logically Obama is not someone who can be trusted therefore I have my suspicions and many other people do as well.

Dismissing peoples concerns in a manner as to demean them or make them out to be some kind of crazy "Birthers" is just what the Elite want. Should we all be vindicated in our suspicions through whatever process I doubt an apology will ever be offered.

[-] 2 points by matoinyanawacis (157) 11 years ago

Unlike you I dismiss no ones concerns, I however, believe in DUE PROCESS. So, before you make Biblical False Accusations, PROVE your gray tone theory has even the remotest plausibility, BBEEFFOORREE, you accuse ANYONE of ANYTHING! Give me some time to study your Long Form birth certificate, I'm sure I'll be able to trace the typewriter used to print on the form to a typewriter in South Africa, Home of the Most Extreme racists. Ordinarily, I am not so sarcastic to people I don't even know, but by simply reading your posts, I already know who and what you are, as I have met too many of you in my life. Sorry to inform you, but I don't care how much you believe that you are entitled to be master of those you consider inferior, you do not own this world, nor anything in it. As the old saying goes, "You can't take it with you when you die" that includes your body, and whatever passes for a semblance of advanced intelligence. You will forever be doomed to share this world with EVERY OTHER LIFEFORM on it til the day you die. Try walking your own path, and stop worrying about the path of others. You didn't create their life and they didn't create yours, so neither of you are ENTITLED to the others life or path. Try enjoying what little time you have here to learn about your journey and what it has to teach you about your next journey. Existence never ends, Each journeys path leads to another path and another journey, and each one teaches you something new about the meaning of our existence. So I'll now end my sermon here, so that you can enjoy yourself infringing upon anothers beliefs to ridicule them. Although I know you'll deny it in writing here. By the way I have no religious beliefs, I am Native American. So have fun. Your ancestors sure did to the detriment of my people. I wonder, do you take pride in their crimes against humanity, oh that's right, no one but white men are human, right? As for vetting, Romney has been vetted... his ONLY motive is profit, screw anybodys job, pension, healthcare, his profit is the only thing that matters. Definitely falls in line with the attitudes of the Founding Fathers, they didn't want to pay taxes to the Gov't, oh I mean, to the King, so they fought to avoid paying taxes. I better stop, I keep this up, you may actually learn something about the truth of actual events in history, and facts to some can cause severe side effects, such as rationality and intelligent decision making. My bad, go about your usual hate mongering, don't mind me. Wastealo Mitakuye Oyasin

[-] -1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

You're all over the map there Chief Running Mouth,but it's cool you just needed to vent it seems. Since you've prejudged me and figured out what you think is reality I'll just let it be. I wouldn't know where to begin with that diatribe (no pun intended).

[-] 1 points by geo (2638) from Concord, NC 11 years ago

It's not a question of believing Barry on anything. No state court system has supported the allegation of whether Obama was ineligible to appear on a ballot - thats 50 courts. Since it is each state’s respective responsibility to verify all candidates’ eligibility for office, it is the state that has jurisdiction over state ballot access requirements.

I don't believe that the totality of the independent state court systems are in collusion on this. Thats in the realm of the best conspiracy theories.

In fairness up until recently, no Federal Judge has believed there was enough evidence to the challenge to his citizenship accept one, US District Judge Thomas Anderson.

“The court construes these allegations about President Obama … as corroboration of plaintiffs’ main allegation that President Obama is not a natural born citizen or otherwise qualified to be president,” the judge wrote.

Anderson’s opinion included a notation that the U.S. Supreme Court in Minor v. Happersett defined “natural born citizen” as “all children born in a country of parents who were its citizens.”

“It is undisputed that the material fact at issue in this case is whether under the circumstances of president Obama’s birth, the president is a ‘natural born citizen,’ a term set out in the United States Constitution and construed under federal law,” he wrote.

You wrote:

"Dismissing peoples concerns in a manner as to demean them or make them out to be some kind of crazy "Birthers" is just what the Elite want. Should we all be vindicated in our suspicions through whatever process I doubt an apology will ever be offered."

Get used to it. It's nothing compared to the way scientists are treated and the names given to those who back the science of AGW. I personally won't be expecting an apology from those people myself at any point, and AGW has been experimentally and observationally verified.

[-] 0 points by OccNoVi (415) 11 years ago

Familiar with Harry S. Truman ???

People said crazy shit about him, too. Particularly after he integrated the Armed Forces and make it certain that ASAP each and every one of our sisters would end up in the sack with 3 black bucks simultaneously.

Same difference.

[-] 1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

You're an out spoken racist also? Man,....you are a very talented occupier. Thanks for sharing.

[-] 0 points by OccNoVi (415) 11 years ago

And the government of Hawaii is infested with evil spirits brought there by Xenu in the days of the Galactic Federation. Beware Incident II and the Wall of Fire.

Go in peace.

[-] 0 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

If you're attempting to be funny or sarcastic you've failed on both fronts. Stand up comedy is not your thing obviously.

[-] 0 points by OccNoVi (415) 11 years ago

Oh dear, one who is not CLEAR, has not been sufficiently audited, has no access to Advanced Technology.

Yee of Teegeeack, Woo-woo-wool. (Forget the Operating Thetan bullshit....) We will use anti-freeze to capture your soul.

[-] 1 points by XenuLives (1645) from Charlotte, NC 11 years ago

LOL, OTs in da house!

[-] 1 points by tupacsugar (-136) 11 years ago

I never seen it put quite that way,I stand corrected you are fucking amazing.