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Forum Post: Congratulations to Fox news 10 years as number one

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 2, 2012, 7:35 a.m. EST by monarch (-5)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hey folks, what a milestone for Fox news eh? Rated number one for ten straight years!!!! Go Fox




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[-] 3 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

1.868 million total viewers out of 305 million.... that tells ya how much the people think of our news networks....

so 0.006 of the population agree that fox news is the shit....

[-] 4 points by demcapitalist (977) 12 years ago

Most of the people I know gave up cable and just have internet now anyway. Sad that there's no news on the TV anymore. It really is amazing just wall to wall politics and who we elect doesn't much matter cause they are all funded by the same big business.


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago
[-] -1 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

They used to be on the same playing field but that is no longer happening

[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

that's right... because they don't provide any content that is not pre-approved by big biz..... the only real news is on the internet

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

where the fuck do you ignorant bitches come from?

are you really products of the U.S. educational system?

Now that is a sweeping indictment right there . . .

[-] -2 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

hahahhahhahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhaha hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaha Eat it libtard and I bet somewhere ole Chris Matthews is drowning in a pitcher of beer!!!!! bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

[-] 2 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 12 years ago

righties are the only fuckers I know that find their own ignorance in the least bit humorous . . .

wait -

I guess you are right -

  • that is funny
[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

Jon Stewart Crushes Fox News In The 2011 Ratings By losing 9% of their audience in 2011, Fox News’ prime time lineup now averages fewer viewers than Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show. According to TVNewser, Fox News averaged 1.868 million total viewers in prime time compared to 2.3 million for The Daily Show. The audience erosion continued over at Fox News as the network lost 8% of its total viewers and 14% of their viewers in the 25-54 demo. The total number of daytime Fox News viewers slipped to 1.073 million. http://www.politicususa.com/en/jon-stewart-fox-2011-ratings


[-] -1 points by HarryPairatestes2 (380) from Barrow, AK 12 years ago

Stewart only trails O'Reilly in ratings.

[-] -1 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

No offense but I think Stewart is a real idiot

[-] 2 points by BradB (2693) from Washington, DC 12 years ago

I think he's one of the smartest in media

[-] -2 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

I agree he is smart but he is still an idiot

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by uhandleit (43) 12 years ago

VERY SAD !!!!!

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Isn't News Corp corporation inc., llc., ltd., also number one in criminality?

FLAKESnews should do an expose, on themselves.



[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

As reported by FLAKESnews, where truth is anathema.

They missed yet another story on an important investigation.

It's not the first time either.


[-] 0 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

The raw story is a libby site so that is not credible

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

How about this one?

Or is all of Australia "libby" to you too?


[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Tell it to the folks in jail.

I don't think they'll believe you.

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

FLAKESnews, like American Idol, but less factual.

Less honest and more tightly controlled.

It's like those tabloids at the grocery store, yet "right" there on your TV!!!

Guaranteed to create the flakiest minds the world has ever seen.

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago


I could have used that word earlier

[-] 0 points by monarch (-5) 12 years ago

Fox news #1 in ratings "Fair & balanced"

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

Indicating the ultimate heights of mediocrity!!!!!!

That's not very high, just so's you know.

Just like American Idol.

Yet another Murdock publication in England is suffering arrests..

News corp, corporation company inc, llc ltd.

Creating flakes all over the world.