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Forum Post: Coherent demands, a proposed set, item 1

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 2:04 p.m. EST by apacheman (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A lot of people complain that OWS isn't focused enough and lacks a set of coherent demands.

I offer these for your consideration:

1.We demand responsible behavior.

Cap individual global wealth at $1 billion per person, and global corporate market share at 10%.

A. In kindergarden we learned not to hog all the cookies, and were taught to leave enough so everyone got some. There is no moral, ethical, or legal ground to sustain an assertion of the right to unlimited wealth for an individual or corporation. Capping individual wealth and corporate market share is necessary for the betterment of all. One billion dollars of wealth should be sufficient to satisfy the cravings of any individual who isn't addicted to wealth-building. Neither should corporations, collections of individuals, be allowed to destructively compete to gain a monopolistic hold on economies. To ensure non-destructive competitive capitalism that breeds true innovation, some limits must be imposed on the size of corporations: none must be allowed to become "too big to fail". It can be done, and deprives no one of anything they have a right to. There are 1,210 billionaires in the world at latest count, and even some of them think they have too much. To allow their addiction to wealth-building to outweigh the interests of the rest of humanity any longer is unconscionable.

B. Since corporations are now legally considered “persons”, we demand personal responsibility be taken by their boards of directors for their behaviors and their consequences. For too long corporations have escaped the paying the legal, financial, and moral consequences of their behaviors. Specifically, we demand BP and TEPCO immediately open their records and financial books regarding the Macondo well and Fukushima reactor disasters, disclosing all health risks to persons living on the Gulf Coast and within 250 kilometers of the crippled reactors, to consumers of food products derived from those areas. Adequate and full compensation is to be given their victims.



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[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

Because we've all seen how well anti-Capitalistic ideas go over in this country.