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Forum Post: blind leading the blind = the opinion of the real 99 %

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 2:50 p.m. EST by angry13 (179)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

its like a bad flu starts strong slowly dwindles down to nothing. too bad they did not take this fight where it supposed to be fought in the political ring you cant win a fight sitting on the sidelines!



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[-] 2 points by screwtheman (122) 12 years ago

I hope the flu hit it OWS camp. Then they can spread it to each and take care of themselves without the use of modern medicine and the greedy companies that make it.

[-] 1 points by angry13 (179) 12 years ago

lol that is the truth

[-] 1 points by kramer (42) 12 years ago

well atleast they got thier issues and demands met ....o wait no they didnt nothing good came out of this but why do the politicians see us as a joke we had a good plan and lots of tents are cheerleaders was the homeless how did we fail?

[-] 1 points by angry13 (179) 12 years ago

what a party! a general feeling shared by the 100% of the movement left .....the homeless

[-] 1 points by mandy (41) 12 years ago

i wonder if all the money raised will benefit the socalled 98% of protestors or just the 1% of the organizers wow how stupid can people be

[-] 1 points by angry13 (179) 12 years ago

what a fucking joke

[-] 0 points by kryptic55 (21) 12 years ago

hahaha yes that is correct i guess you were right angry the organizers are the only ones that end up benefitting because of the donations that poured in hey id like to occupy mcdonlads i feel the mcrib should be an everyday menu choice whos with us join this movement