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Forum Post: Are you going to let Wall Street win?

Posted 11 years ago on June 21, 2012, 1:27 a.m. EST by Misaki (893)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There have been almost no responses to "The Inflation Scam", which explains how a policy of constant positive inflation is the source of much of Wall Street's profits.

Of course, it also mentions that if we drastically change the system by making inflation unnecessary, the pension funds that are held "hostage" by Wall Street could possibly suffer an even greater loss than they did in the 2008 financial crisis.

Maybe the US government could provide some sort of guarantee so people wouldn't suffer huge losses.... but what is certain is that most people will no longer be able to "invest" for retirement and get a high interest rate; they will just save money, and the amount they end up with will often be almost exactly the amount they saved, no higher.

So, really, what are you waiting for? Is anyone in OWS really serious about wanting to fix problems, like perceived political corruption etc.? I asked this before and no one really responded.

Job creation without higher government spending, inflation, or trade barriers, via the accelerated work week: http://jobcreationplan.blogspot.com/

THE REASON I ASK THIS is because it is very possible that Occupy Wall Street is composed mainly of gutless fools, who cannot comprehend even slightly complicated ideas. (As they say, half the population has an IQ below 100... even if most people think they're above average.) It will then become up to other people to decide whether they want to proceed with this idea, since it will mean that OWS has become irrelevant or never was relevant to anything.



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[-] 1 points by TrevorMnemonic (5827) 11 years ago

Honestly I think the accelerated work week theory is not fully thought out.

I think that is why no one has responded to your posts.

Sorry to be so blunt... but I read your link... don't like it.

What we need is a monetary policy and tax system that works for the middle class. We need to regulate the financial market and put people in prison for major acts of fraud. We need to end the wars and save money. But first we need major reform in campaign financing.

[-] 0 points by Misaki (893) 11 years ago

don't like it.

That isn't a valid critique.

See http://occupywallst.org/forum/informal-poll-do-you-think-working-harder-helps-th/ for confirmation that working less time would help workers.

I think that is why no one has responded to your posts.

This is why few people respond: http://occupywallst.org/forum/the-need-for-reality-interpretation-in-evaluating-/

In this specific case, the "root issue" is whether the average OWS supporter is intelligent enough to understand these simple concepts. When more intelligent people, who are more likely to be aware of "the varying reliability of primary signals" refrain from replying, it allows the community to see whether less intelligent people in the movement are willing to support the suggestion in its current form, and therefore what level of effort would be required for the suggestion to be converted into reality.

What we need is a monetary policy and tax system that works for the middle class.

Surely you don't mean higher taxes on the middle class. So what you really seem to be saying here is that unemployment is not important. This is the opposite of what people are saying in polls.