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Forum Post: Andrew Brietbart, Right Wing Attack Dog is DEAD, Good Riddens!

Posted 12 years ago on March 1, 2012, 7:11 p.m. EST by Puzzlin (2898)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is called Instant Karma. It was my absolute first thought I had when I heard the news today that his timer ran out.

An Brietbart excerpt:

"Early this morning, news broke that Sen. Ted Kennedy had passed away after serving in the U.S. Senate for nearly 50 years. Soon after, conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart began a sustained assault on Kennedy’s memory, tweeting “Rest in Chappaquiddick.”

"Over the course of the next three hours, Breitbart unapologetically attacked Kennedy, calling him a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.” “I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,” wrote Breitbart in one tweet."

For those who surely want to defend this divide and conquer kind of guy, please tell us how spewing hate is more effective than educating people in the truth?

This is the answer we're looking for. STAY FOCUSED. NO RANT ZONE.

The Puzzler



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[-] 5 points by outofway (5) 12 years ago

I never heard of the guy before today. Fighting hatred with hatred is not why I got interested in the Occupy movement. Replacing tweedle-right with tweedle-left is pointless. 'If you only love those who love you what is the merit in that?', asked the wise Nazarene.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

He's an attack dog, ever heard of that before?

[-] 2 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

you must be excited; you misspelled riddance. Unless Riddens means that you are sad and heart broken in your native language.

[-] 2 points by GreatBallsOfFire (11) 12 years ago

"right-wing attack dog"

"no rant zone"


[-] 2 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

It's sad that his family lost him (but then again I have to wonder what kind of husband and father he was when he spent his entire life courting attention and spewing hate and filth), and Weiner was ten kinds of an idiot for doing what he did (and in some ways getting nailed by someone as lowbrow as Breitbart served him right), but I can't really say that the death of the guy who cost Shirley Sherrod her job over a deliberately mis-edited video (or for that matter called Ted Kennedy a pile of excrement and made Chappaquiddick jokes on the day the man died all over Twitter) is anything to be sad about. I'm not going to piss on his grave, but don't ask me to eulogize him either.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

ARod, thank very much, that's pretty much my sentiments for this angry hateful man as he met his fate. Reap what you sow. A deadly reminder. The Reaper got his a$$.


[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

This quote sums up his character rather well:

"Breitbart seldom showed restraint in his vitriol to his critics and seemed to relish in the negative attention his antics earned him."

Huffington Post.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

"As news broke this morning of the tragic death of Conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart, liberals celebrated the news on Twitter."

"The most influential tweet came from Slate's Matt Yglesias (@mattyglesias), who tweeted: "Conventions around dead people are ridiculous. The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart dead."

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Who gets the last laugh, or, how do you want to be remembered when you die.


[-] 1 points by po6059 (72) 12 years ago

non will care about or remember you.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago


who's that?

Are you sleeping? Think much lately?

[-] 1 points by po6059 (72) 12 years ago

go back you your mental masturbation. it's the best you can do.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Since you mention masturbation, this MUST be on your mind.

Why is that? Don't you have anything better to do but pulling your pud???

By your postings around this forum, your masturbation skills must be awesome since you don't think too much with your postings. All that pent up energy has got to be dissipated somehow, right?

Is this your effective time management skill so your pud pulling skills don't wane??? Good Boy!!!

As I said before, your ignorance precedes you where ever you go. Your clown act is amusing but too predictable. A little less pud pulling and little more thought to those postings might help. Or not. : )

[-] 1 points by po6059 (72) 12 years ago

you're a pathetic little loser. no place for you among the adults.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Here is Andrew Brietbart's Final BOOMSHELL, he was going to drop on Obama but he began his rot. In his disgraceful memory, some are trying to bring this forward.

Here's the video from CNN, AB's last fart to the wind is exposed:


AB was nothing but a hate SPEWER, it's proven!!!

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

"I love my job. I love fighting for what I believe in. I love having fun while doing it. I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report. I love fighting back, I love finding allies, and—famouslyI enjoy making enemies."

Andrew Brietbart .... ....

(Careful what you wish for !!! )

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Careful what you wish for,,,,,,,Andrew how did dat work fer ya?

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Can you hear me now?

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 12 years ago

Is it true that he was walking home from a local bar around midnight when he collapse?

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

He was out walking near his home in Brentwood. Nothing said about the local bar. Apparently he had known heart trouble from a year ago.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 12 years ago

Thanks for the reply.I heard he was coming home from a local bar but that could BS.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Probably is BS, unless the bar is near his brentwood home, but probably not. Of course, it would make the story a little more interesting.

But the way he danced on Ted Kennedy's grave was enough, & left Andrew with no earned/deserved respect. AS far as I'm concerned it's open season on him.

[-] 1 points by GreedKills (1119) 12 years ago

I read in a Think Progress story that he was indeed coming home from a local bar after having a few drinks and talking politics with a fellow patron of the bar. I feel this man not only had a drinking problem but also a drug problem be it prescription or illegal. His behavior at CPAC confirms my opinion in my eyes.

[-] 0 points by foolend (12) 12 years ago

I am waiting to see the Obama Harvard tapes, they should be released real soon

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

A couple of quotes about AB:

"Sadly, Breitbart is was just one of many Trash commentators that now comprise the Conservative propaganda machine. Breitbart was just more Swine at the ConservaCon trough feeding on the slop of Right Wing think tanks and then snorting it out as populous messaging."

"A true Grifter and useless turd. May he rest in hell."

go to link: http://republicanswine.com/2012/03/01/conservatrash-andrew-breitbart-dies-good/

Ann Coulter Defends Breitbart: Ted Kennedy Deserved To Be Called “Excrement” When He Died go to link: http://www.newshounds.us/ann_coulter_defends_breitbart_ted_kennedy_deserved_to_be_called_excrement_when_he_died_03032012

The Puzzler

[-] 1 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 12 years ago

God forgive me, but the truth is that Andrew Breitbart died in the Street like the piece of Garbage that he was! His whole reason for being was to hurt people for the highest bidder. He was a corporate terrorist in an undeclared war on his fellow Americans. Anger ruled his heart, anger closed his mind, and anger drove him to his death.

The man was the master of the sneak attack. Low blows were his stock in trade. He was a cheap shot artist without peer, who had no stomach for a fair fight. He had a mean streak as wide as a coward’s heart, and a Fascist attitude that made the weak fair game.

I cannot bring myself to believe that this zealot may have had a heart attack because, quite frankly, he had no heart. It is much easier for me to believe that he was struck down by lightning sent from God.

This political whore should be buried at Sea near Bin Laden to stop people from pissing on his grave. Other than that, I aint got nothing to say about the Brightbulb!

[-] 2 points by nobnot (529) from Kapaa, HI 12 years ago

On target

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago


your forgiven my friend, these are honest natural thoughts. We both know who this guy was. You got it right. Andrew was a smear artist. He didn't stand upon reason. He stood on "the ends justifies the means" Clearly this was his MO. It emboldened that other gem in the rough James O'Keefe.

Look kiddies out there, if your a mean hateful man or woman, when you die, others may just tell like they see it, and it's never pretty. Rather ugly. It's like aroma left behind, so to speak, with behind being the key word in this case.

It's called: INSTANT KARMA

The Puzzler

[-] 1 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Exactly! There really is a God, Karma really is a Bitch, and History really do repeat its self. I rarely speak ill of the dead, but this guy deserves everything he gets!

You do know that all these guys work for the same people?

[-] 1 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Careful, Karma may be coming after you next. Is finding your own fortune in the death of a fellow American really the direction that we need to take as a people? Who would truly find value in the thoughts of a person that approached humanity in such a way. Whether Brietbart, Pelosi or Buddha himself were 180 degrees different in their thoughts from yours, do they deserve death? That is not democracy, nor an embrace of freedom of speech.

[-] 3 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Bring it on. I good with I've done on this planet so far. I believe in my purpose here and really think everything we're doing matters.

It's the only way we can find any reason anyway and the hope for truth.

Andrew Brietbart can own his own death. I will gladly accept mine *with all my fear of it* when it comes. Likewise, everyone else here will too. Any way, any how, none of us know, but we WILL. No gets out alive!

[-] 1 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Big talk. Doubt you have the juevos to stand tall when death is staring at you. Never the less, your opinion lost most value when one sees your pleasure in another's death, merely because they do not think like you. Not cool. Breitbart did manipulate the media with half truth in some cases. Hardly a reason to take such grand pleasure in his death.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Funny, you characterize me as standing tall in the face of death in direct response to my post, when, in fact, I said "with all my fear of it" and "it" being clearly death in the context of my sentence.

Do you understand what you read?

Also, I asked a question in the premise of this post, did you even read it?

Did you have College English?

All that said, it really says allot that you can not defend Andrew at all, you can only attack me throwing back some that vitriol that he clearly dished out while still walking the planet. You have no defense, nada. Read again what I said at the beginning of this thread and realize that your intelligence in what you say is severely lacking. Or your just too angry to care, and it shows.

Get a grip MAN!

[-] 0 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Your original thread was a proud drum beat of the death of a man who disagreed with you.

As far as "it" and gladly facing it. (Doubt you really have those kind of balls.)

Defending Brietbart? I said, "Breitbart did manipulate the media with half truth in some cases." These are the ones that I am aware of. There are probably others. He was also correct on other things. I neither supported nor condemned him for his actions. I merely listened or read and would wait for the truth to shake out. Whether by research or time.

My point is not a defense of a man's views but more of a disgust with your pleasure in someones death. All because you disagree with him. It is disgusting and now your ego will not allow you to admit that.

So, maybe you need to loosen the grip...MAN!

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

wellhungary says:

"As far as "it" and gladly facing it. (Doubt you really have those kind of balls.)"

MY Reply-------------------------------

You shove words in my mouth I did not say. But you what?

How do you know me? And makes you a JUDGE of me?

Big Kahuna!

(By the way it seems silly you didn't defend Andrew what-so-ever which is the very premise of the whole thread. It was the question asked as I also stated STAY FOCUSED.)

It seems quite apparent you just decided to attack me instead, and complained that I was attacking someone else. So we're now attack happy and it's my fault. I guess this is all in loving memory of Andrew, strange enough, but not really.

Well your not well. Get an education. I am done with you. See ya!

[-] 0 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Awwww, get those feelings hurt? You finally got it...I attacked you. I chose to attack you because finding joy in someones death, especially for merely disagreeing with you is pretty messed up. I had no intentions of defending Brietbart. You still do not get it. Brietbart is Brietbart. I have no affection or admiration for the guy. I just find you to be a pretty pathetic person for posting such joy in his demise. As far as knowing you? I don't know anything about you other than what you present here in front of us. I call it the way I see it. In the shadows, you may be quite a great guy, but we will never know it here. That is why I said that your opinion is greatly diminished by your joy in the death of another. So, is the light starting to come on? Is that education starting to help out? I am tired of kicking this dead horse too. Hope at least two of those brain cells have found one another. I suspect they are lonely in there.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

wellhungary says - "I chose to attack you..."

to which I say: 'those that live in glass houses should not throw stones'

Hey Mr.Self Righteous WellHung....Brietbart is Briebart.

The dead horse is you. Offended? Think about it this time.

The Puzzler

[-] 1 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Your funny. Lowering the intake of the coffee or Red Bull might be a good thing for you.

[-] 2 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Excuse me?? Breitbart use his freedom of speech to pan Democrats. I'm using my freedom of speech to pan him for what he's done to people for money??? You really do reap what you sow.

I suppose you're gonna tell me that Hitler didn't deserve to die? How about Bin Laden, you couldn't find a place in your heart to cheer his death. Come on, I didn't kill the snake, his God did. And he did die in the street like a piece of garbage, I just pointed out the truth.

And, by the way, I am ready to meet my maker. Are you?

[-] 0 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

Since I do not necessarily believe in a maker, I know that death will probably be an uneventful end. When I die, I just hope that it is not attached to a lot of suffering for myself or my family.

As far as comparing Mr. Brietbart to Hitler or Bin Laden? That is quite a stretch. You then would have to lump Pelosi, Matthews, Olbermann, Weiner, Palin, Cain, Limbaugh and many other into the same pile. Each deserving to die with fellow Americans dancing on their graves and for what? Because they did not agree with you, they lied or committed some other infraction.

I am not denying Puzzlin or Brietbart their right to say disgusting things. I am just saying that finding pleasure in Brietbart's death and spouting it like Puzzlin did is pretty pathetic. Have a little class, a little humility.

Finally, I have seen death often and at the moment that it happens. I see the fallout, the pain, the waste. I find no pleasure in it. Though there are times that it could be considered a good or humane thing to happen, I do not find pleasure in it. I focus on remaining reserved, acknowledge it for what it is and move forward with intent to cause no more pain. I too fail at times on this task as all others do too. The man died spread a better message than joy over his death.

[-] 1 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 12 years ago

The fact of the matter is that Breitbart got what he deserved. It would be hypocrital to praise him in death as the right has been doing as we speak. I just want to make sure that you and everyone like you understands to you will recieve the same kind of condemnation as he did for your cowardly behavior. YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW!

If you had ever been in Combat defending your country, you would believe in your Maker, and take great pleasure in peeing on your enemies grave. Ask the Marines in Afghastan!

I believe in a higher Power, but I am not constrained by my sprituality to lie about a Scumbag! I leave the hypocritical defense of a Low life to you.

To add any one else to a debate about the timely death of a Zealot, is a transparent attempt to confuse the issue. Your Piety is a act at best, and an outright lie at worse.

[-] 1 points by wellhungjury (296) 12 years ago

You are telling me how I am supposed to believe and feel after being in combat...where do you think I saw death? You have nothing that you can tell me about death unless you have walked in those shoes and it appears like you have not. It is that experience that changed how I feel about death and how I feel about "higher beings".

You basically have said that I deserve to die like Briebart because I think different than you. Mind you, I do not necessarily think like Briebart. I just found that you and others finding such joy in his death a pretty disgusting act. You twisted it into my defense of his ideas when I was pointing out that your joy of his death was over the top. That was basically it.

The others I added to the list fall into the same category as Brietbart. They have opinions (lies or truths). None of them did the horrible things that Hitler and Bin Laden did. My point being, death is not what Pelosi, Brietbart or the others I listed deserve. Nor do they deserve us dancing on their graves when they do die.

You obviously are extreme in your thinking do to your most recent post. I only hope that you can someday bring it back to earth and have a sincere perspective. There is so much I could try and dissect out of your post and address, but it is clearly a waste of time.

[-] 1 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I noticed no one could actually answer the question.

"Conservatives" are nothing, if not notorious in that regard.

[-] 3 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

LoL, shooz, now you were paying attention!!!

Isn't it amazing how this works out! Those who seem to be in defense of him can't answer how spewing hate and conducting smear campaigns is good way to discuss politics in our highly educated country. This was the man's method but, well, those on the right never really did appeal to reason did they?

This post shows this clearly. They can chime in any time with their pearls of wisdom but they never will. Don't hold your breath!!!

[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

The man looked and spoke like a meth head.

They have no pearls for a man that spoke no wisdom.

I supposed they are busy trying to figure out how to fight off the latest vitriol from the Rushster.

[-] 3 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Oh yeah, Rushbo, he's another of the same yoke. Only difference, I will have paint the town red in celebration when that lambaster begins his rot. He emboldens the hard right in this country to despise and hate Americans who don't subscribe to their severely distorted view of the world.

Yes, let me get words in here to say exactly this: This world doesn't need a$$hats like Rush Limpball, or Andrew Brietbart. There's many more including Sean Hannity but you get the drift. Their arrogance precedes them everywhere they go. And they are artful in character assassination instead of discussing he real issues.

Anyone got a bullshit detector for sale. Can never have enough of those.

[-] 3 points by shoozTroll (17632) 12 years ago

I click around the AM dial from time to time, just to hear what's out there.

I'm usually disgusted after only a few minutes of one of the 100s of mini-Limbaughs out there. Each more vile than the next.

No real substance, just hate and vitriol. The other thing in common is their use of the terms like, "the whole country knows this", or, "everybody knows", no facts or stats to back that up, they just repeat it over and over.

Propaganda!!! Pure unadulterated, propaganda.

There's nothing quite like them from the other side.

There is no way to defend these mini-Limbaughs.

[-] 3 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

This crust of the matter. We must get to the truth through whatever shit storm we find ourselves. Through the Andrew Brietbart's of the world. It's not easy and change is like a creaky & clunky old train barely moving down the track but we must move it forward none-the-less.

Personally I've noticed the harder truths are just that, harder, those only come if want to work for them. Fortunately, and personally, I found them worth all the trouble.

[-] 2 points by lgarz (287) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Hey Shooz! Ever wonder why all the conservative attack dogs on Radio speak with the same hate & vitriol?

It’s because Right Wing pundits are not a part of a Political Party, they belong to a Religious Cult that worships the Almighty Dollar! We’re not dealing with a “Conservative Political Movement”; we’re dealing with a new KKK, “The Krazy Koch Kult!

Their leaders are the Koch Brothers, and their Bible is the Book of ALEC. The Koch Boys don’t drink the Kool-Aid, they make the Kool-Aid, and ALEC makes it easy for them to drink. The Republican Party isn’t afraid of Limbaugh because he makes sense, they fear him because he’s the “Mouth Piece” for ALEC, and the Koch conspiracy.

These Radio hosts aint Ditto Heads; they’re “Koch Heads!” They don’t just drink the Kool-Aid they repackage it as Champagne, and try to sell it to their friends. They don’t debate an issue they confuse the issue with Dogma from the Book of ALEC. Their Catechism is the word of Koch, their Gospel, the Book of ALEC, their Preachers are the Right Wing Radio Hosts, and their true believers are the Trolls who infest this board.

Olympia Snowe didn’t leave the Senate, she left the KKK.


[-] 0 points by TheMisfit (48) 12 years ago

Well, Kennedy did kill a woman and get away with it because of his name. As far as I know, Brietbert never killed anyone so that makes him better than any drunk piece of trash killer in my book. May Kennedy and those who support him rot in hell for the life they never cared about.

Mary Jo Kopechne, July 26, 1940 – July 18, 1969

[-] 0 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Andrew Brietbart Dead 2012

Good Riddens!!!


[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

This thread is repulsive. A bunch of people gloating over a man dying. A husband and father. Because his ideology differed from yours, you celebrate his death? What kind of liberals do that? You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Too bad you posted to the wrong thread dude...

Read much?

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

I did read way too many of the comments in this thread from people gloating over a man dying. Yes.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Oh, I'm so very touched. Sad for you.

Here's this proverbial pie for your face:

"It was only a matter of time before Sean Hannity and Fox News found an excuse to use Andrew Breitbart’s death to play the conservative victim – and I don’t mean because of any grieving. Sure enough, Hannity dredged up a Rolling Stone article called Andrew Breitbart: Death of a Douche, distorted its content, and then trotted out Ann Coulter for a right-wing bitch-a-thon about the sufferings of conservatives in the unfair world where only the left can spew hate. Hannity was not the only show to use the article for its own, anti-left agenda. The Five did the same thing earlier in the day. But unfortunately for conservative martyrdom, Coulter dropped a load of right-wing hate right in the middle of the segment - when she defended Breitbart calling Ted Kennedy a “pile of human excrement” shortly after his demise because he deserved it. Did Hannity object? Do you think Coulter will suffer any kind of Fox News disapproval? Don't hold your breath!"

TechJunkie, who died and made you JUDGE?

I still think you have the wrong thread my man, LoL

Would you like to answer the question or are you just making it up as you go along here. Who's gloating NOW buddy?

Ann Coulter Defends Breitbart: Ted Kennedy Deserved To Be Called “Excrement” When He Died go to link:


The Puzzler

[-] -1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

I hope that you're proud of yourself. Very sad.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Quite...Instant Karma, get some....

[-] 0 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

Tolerance is one of the reasons that liberals feel superior to conservatives. And so the intolerance expressed by liberals in this thread is sadly ironic.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

We tried tolerance, with right winged repugs relentlessly attacking our American ideals, it's not time for playing tiddly winks. We're coming and fighting for every inch. We are not weak but very strong. The progressives are rolling and will fight these repugs where ever they are. We will not shy away from a tough fight.

Time to re-write history Mr. Techy

[-] 1 points by TechJunkie (3029) from Miami Beach, FL 12 years ago

If you lack the discipline to focus on changing the system instead of on partisan bickering then you'll fail to accomplish anything. The 1% have everything to gain from you wasting your time rooting for the blue team or the red team instead of working toward meaningful changes to the entire system.

So you're doubly in the wrong. Partly because your attitude is self-defeating, and partly because it's morally reprehensible to cheer another person's death because they had different opinions than you.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

So Mr.Techy. sitting out this election, too red or blue for You.

Your logic is severely flawed. But, you know what, don't vote, with your attitude it doesn't help anyone any way.

Ever notice how the system is political? ....just a thought.......

Good Day.




[-] -1 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

give me an example of the hate spewing before i address your question, as your question is like asking someone when they stopped beating their wife. You act smart but are quite dumb.


[-] -1 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

he must have been good if you has you (cuss word) angry.
exposed ACORN, fought the institutional left, sound like and good version of OWS to me.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Answer the question. That's why this thread is here. Stay focused. Try it.

[-] -2 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

Give me an example of the hate spewing before i address your question, As your question is like asking someone when they stopped beating their wife. You act smart but are quite dumb.

[-] 2 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Here it is, the link: http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2009/08/26/57997/breitbart-kennedy-twitter/?mobile=nc

An excerpt:

"Early this morning, news broke that Sen. Ted Kennedy had passed away after serving in the U.S. Senate for nearly 50 years. Soon after, conservative commentator Andrew Breitbart began a sustained assault on Kennedy’s memory, tweeting “Rest in Chappaquiddick.”

"Over the course of the next three hours, Breitbart unapologetically attacked Kennedy, calling him a “villain,” “a big ass motherf@#$er,” a “duplicitous bastard” and a “prick.” “I’ll shut my mouth for Carter. That’s just politics. Kennedy was a special pile of human excrement,” wrote Breitbart in one tweet."

Now, as you may know, this is deju vu doo for Andrew, if you get my drift. As I said originally, when I heard the news, I thought, "Instant Karma" It was an honest thought and there it was. For reason.

[-] -1 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

well Ted Kennedy was not a perfect man, the killing Mary Jo. but Brietbart should have not have lowered himself to your level and the liberal level and disrespect a recently dead U.S. Senator. But you clowns ruin your point by doing the same thing. oh well, liberalism is a mental disorder.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Andrew lowered himself to low level of the ends justifies the means.

We will fight right wingers anywhere any time. Bring IT!!!

We have the truth and facts. And we are unified!!!

We can judge for ourselves who the clown is Carlitini99, you been punked!

[-] -2 points by Carlitini99 (-167) 12 years ago

you are such Bozos, i leave this site daily knowing that Occupy is a joke, and if they every threaten me at a protest, i'll say 'boo' and they will wet their pants and run home to mommy.
Its easy to throw darts at your enemies (conservatives) but look at your side, the hate , the violence its much worse than the right, much worse. Liberals have turned into, well, bad liberals.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Talk to the hand maybe it will understand you.

[-] -1 points by PriusLover (-2) 12 years ago

You are an Ass and hateful threads like this should be removed. You think his 4 young children are better off? I may not have agreed with what he said but he was a good man and embrassed discussion such as what OWS represents and didn't care what side you were on, as long as you were involved.

[-] 5 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

embrassed?, give me a break Mr. Sensitive!

This man spit at this movement. He was an angry hateful man.

You want to pump him up now that he's dead, better than life?

We don't forget PriusLove, we have long memories of those who screw us.

So, what was Brietbart's stance on this birth control controversy before he kicked off since your so sensitive to your boy getting bullied?

Defend him. The rest around here are lame in his defense. We'll forget him soon. Give it your best shot. GO!

[-] -2 points by bozocountdown321 (-26) 12 years ago

Chavez is on his way out-thank God-Breitbart is a hero

[-] 3 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Wow, where's the defense of Breitbart. This is pitiful.

[-] -3 points by bozocountdown321 (-26) 12 years ago

social perverts born of social perverts farmed in socially perverted schools-they are not liberals here-they are fascists

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

I can see why you chose Bozo for the first part of your name as you want everyone here to know you.

Good Luck with that mantra. Don't stop saying it, it may change your life forever.


[+] -4 points by nytefury (-57) 12 years ago

Funny how you Leftists define hate. Breitbart merely outed the hypocrisy and criminality of the Left,while hitting the media hard for their Leftist bias.

He is a Hero. There's many more people just like him that are going to finish what Andrew started.

So the premise of your question is just Leftist propaganda so it is to be disregarded as such.

Breitbart only dealt with the truth,it's the Left that can't take it being handed back to them. The Left lies and propagandizes.

Breitbart lives on!!

[-] 4 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Oh yes, now we're talking!

nytefury says: "it's the Left that can't take it being handed back to them"

Bring it the hell on man! Is this all you got! I want to enjoy this. Come ON. Give it your best shot, defend the dead bastard!!! Honor your leader for God's sake!!!

[-] -2 points by nytefury (-57) 12 years ago

Defend Breitbart from what? Leftist lies and propaganda? Naw,Breitbart did a great job of talking about himself and it's all been recorded. He left a wealth of information about himself if anybody is curious enough to check it out.

I've already given my opinion on this subject.

[-] 5 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

I think Rush Limpballs had him beat, and, now, again, it's Rushbo, the man, the legend, to the top of the tops. What ya think nytefury, you still have him for speaker of the cause, don't ya?

Breitbart was a lightweight, on his way out, along with O'Keefe, his buddy

[-] -3 points by nytefury (-57) 12 years ago

If you opened your mind and actually listened to Rush,Mark Levine,Sean Hannity,Roger Hedgecock and other Conservative radio you wouldn't have to ask me about any of that.

On the contrary if Breitbart was,as you say a "lightweight" why do you and so many other Leftists seem to hate and loathe him with such venom?

I would say that he's quite the opposite,Andrew along with Rush and Palin just for a few examples are universally hated and reviled by Democrats and Liberals because they are so damn effective.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 12 years ago


I've heard of him

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Read this thread and get a clue.

[-] 0 points by B76RT (-357) 12 years ago

You're correct,.........the dems always give themselves away.they attack and denigrate who they fear.

[+] -4 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 12 years ago

Why are you so hateful? If you think Breitbart was your enemy then so be it. I think the Left in this country is the enemy of all that is good. But I didn't cheer when Ted Kennedy died. Or any other leftist. Gess the real hatred is on the Left.

[-] 3 points by ARod1993 (2420) 12 years ago

You may not have, but Breitbart did, loudly and crudely all over Twitter at that.

[-] 1 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

What, are u dazed, defend your boy! This is lame a$$

[-] -2 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 12 years ago

I don't care about him one way or the other. Why do you have so much hatred? What does it accomplish?

[-] 4 points by Puzzlin (2898) 12 years ago

Well, there we go, maybe the liberals are calling more of the shots over here these days. I was sure someone would run in here and fight for the poor dead bastard tooth and nail. Not that I mind. Either way, it will say allot about what others think of him. So, far, nothing has really surprised me yet. Few will support his character, with how he assaulted others, and led smear campaigns.

But,,,,,,,,...................harken? .........do I hear grumblings,,,,,,,

[-] -2 points by Chugwunka (89) from Willows, CA 12 years ago

Why do you have so much hatred? What does that mans death gain for you and your side?