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Forum Post: A young white supremacist seeks to convert fellow college students.

Posted 7 years ago on April 16, 2017, 7:40 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8310) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have got to say I am with this brother! I have a New Cause! There is land in Montana, Idaho North AND South Datako with his name on it. to start with I say we run trains, planes, and buses, cause automobiles don't hold enough, all through the south and pick up everybody with a confederate flag on their truck, ass, or Christmas dishes. Take them to that promised land.

"Speaking to a crowd filled with black and Latino students, he wove a country song tale of whites becoming an endangered minority in America and compared their plight to Native Americans — before describing his fantasy for a utopian homeland for whites not unlike Indian reservations.

“Even though horrible things did happen to the indigenous people … there was land set aside where they could be who they were and express themselves how they wanted to, and they could have a form of government that reflected them,” Damigo said. “And I think that is something that we want.”"




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[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Nathan Damigo is a .. tRUMP ass kissing; Alt-Right; RWNJ, Nazi-Wannabe & (not so) Crypto-Fascist piece of shit & he sucker punches women!!! The PoS was at Berkeley,CA on Sarurday April 15th & he was there with his ''Identity Europa'' goons, with the express intention of attacking AntiFa in Berkeley!! tRUMP & that other War Hawk, Hellary Rotten Clinton have dragged U$A to The Extreme Right Wing!

e tenebris, tenebris!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Far too many so-called "white" supremacists are moronic in choosing the wrong targets. Sikhs were mistaken for Iranians due to their headdresses when Iran took U.S. Embassy hostages. Chinese were mistaken for Japanese when Japanese car imports were decimating Detroit. The idea is plainly idiotic. Most Iranian and Japanese people had almost nothing to do with taking hostages or killing the auto-industry. Sikhs or Chinese were even less culpable. There's a pattern of unemployed veterans beating up vulnerable people and that needs to be stopped.

Hurting or killing innocent people is WRONG!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

So, IF - as you say .. ''Far too many so-called "white" supremacists are moronic in choosing the wrong targets.'' ... then please do share as to who are the right ''targets''?!!! Furthermore, if the said Nazi thugs are ''so called 'white' supremacists'' .. who are the authentic ones?!! Agree 100% with your final line tho!

ad iudicium ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

The U.S. racial supremacists congregate in posh private places such as corporate conference rooms, boardrooms, country clubs, golf courses, etc. The White House is also being prepared to become a new watering hole(ho's will be on hand!) before tax reforms to discuss giving (especially inheritance, now that Trump is close to his end of life expectancy) tax cuts to the rich and wealthy donors. Who feeds from the taxpayers' trough is of national security concern and must therefore remain private. Similarly, any potential conflicts of interest in Trump's tax returns must also be shielded to protect national security and remain private so the Trumpsters can continue to flock as turkeys voting for Thanksgiving (das Erntedankfest meiner Heimat).

Many countries do have racial supremacists galore, too. Race was a cultural construct so it's silly to keep on harping about it but so many people use it that it becomes "real" due to the very tangible effects. We Must therefore engage with it as if it were real despite our knowing fully well that it's unreal. The Trans-Racial-Archimedes' Principle(阿基米德超越种族原则) says: "Give me healthy mature females from Any and All races to mate with; and I can impregnate all of them to produce fertile offspring." Males overproduce sperm so the Biblical curtailment of Onanism needs to be revised to reflect the times. The Bible was written millennia ago when the human populations were small. Why else but to overcome the perils of small populations did the Scots institutionalize and tolerate their Queens' extramarital matings and the same's true for the Spartans? The total human population is vastly larger now by many orders of magnitude. Human beings are akin to fires: too many will lead to wars and too few will lead to inbreeding, depopulation, and extinction(it's preferable to make Kings cuckolds than to have these terrible problems). To maximize the civilizing ROI, "seeds" should be outbred and: "Pauca sed matura. (Few, but ripe.)" Much human capital is frittered away through diseases and premature deaths so Wisdom finds little fertile growth medium.

Golf is the best sport for having deals be done in private adhering to the principle of "Performance" codified into "labor" laws. Elf knows what that means. Golf was likely invented by a sexually frustrated aristocrat craving for holes on his do-nothing but grow-grass country estate to put his balls into. Males love this game, for the obvious subliminal reason. "Give your seeds in private, and your Father, who sees everything, will reward you." "Thou shalt not deny the ones who ask, for your Father rains His favors upon All who ask(10 seconds of bonus free flight for the jumpers. Fly American, Fly United. Fly, Robin, Fly. <Side Angle Side, Side Side Side, Angle Side Angle, Angle Angle Side>:Tetraphilia's the way {I like it}.)." For an ice-cold chocolate pyramid scheme, it's Hip to Be a Square.

A hole may have etymological connection to a ho(not respectable for an aristocrat to indulge in publicly; hence masks became important ). I'll research this(yeah, I still have the "mad scientist" or "archeologist/recycler" streak in me). Another question is, "If the male mammals need external sacs to keep their balls cool enough for sperm to develop properly, do the very warm-blooded avians have or need these sacs, too? If not, why not?" Perhaps holes in the ground can chill the balls of the sexually frustrated males to account for golf's popularity amongst them. Are you aware of the homomorphism of a fairplay baseball diamond to the erogenous bases on the body of a human female? Four(taboo number in Japan) is par for a home run(be aware of tetraphobia). I was a good hitter(targeting's a bit tough) and could often get on base. As I had told you before, I came from my mother! And I returned to a mother. υπάρχει έρως

I came to respect my elders' "arrangement" for my girlfriends and marriage. "Interference" to avoid the Irish made sense. We build walls to forestall conflicts. Marriage is about more than just two people. Vergissmeinnicht. 我最难忘的人物。

Brexit is needed for the U.K. to keep the family-reunion immigration policy. The U.K. has already been fed up with what it got from the immigrant and immigrant-descendant population. Many asylum seekers want to become a part of the U.K. due to the fast family-reunion policy. It's a laudable motive but the U.K. just hasn't done a good job of integrating its immigrant populations. The tensions were palpable even as early as a decade ago. There are greener pastures elsewhere for the asylum seekers, especially the more religiously(or lack thereof) and culturally compatible ones. There are 1.7 billions of Muslims in the world(more than China's or India's population!) so there are indeed many many many Muslim countries in the multi-continental Ummah where Shari'a is already in place and operational. There's no need to fight for the imposition of Shari'a. All countries should educate foreigners better about their cultures lest they be offended unnecessarily. Foreigners, of course, should learn and obey the cultures, languages, laws, customs, and traditions of the hosting countries.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

So am I, ''aware of the homomorphism of a fairplay baseball diamond to the erogenous bases on the body of a human female?" Errrrr ... Nope!!! I have never thought that baseball had anything to do with what Hindus may refer to as a "yoni mandala"!! Nor did I know that Golf had such Freudian roots but regarding golf, I do know that it originated in Scotland!

What is your evidence for ''The U.K. has already been fed up with what it got from the immigrant and immigrant-descendant population.''?! Further, the only people who ''need to fight for the imposition of Shari'a'' are the very tiny proportion of ''the Muslim Umma'' (Takfiri, Jihadi types), who have now been brainwashed by a millenarian death cult inspired, enabled, financed as an army by Saudi, and other despots, who are arch US/UK allies!! I dread to ask .. but what does ''to avoid the Irish made sense'' actually mean?!!!

En fin et entre nous grapes .... are you taking strong psychedelics, in combination with prescription meds? IF so .. you may want to imminently consider a detox and/or professional help! + Re.9/11 ...

verum ex absurdo?!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

"Dad, do you see me?" See me? Me? Vergissmeinnicht.

A loving father whom I had spoken to in the afternoon of the day before 2001-9-11, crashed into a tower. It was murder(due to oil addiction + polygamous Islam -> Islamofascism).

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

I don't want me to become the topic of distraction. Yeah, I know that several commenters thought that I was on psychedelics or dropped on my head but I'm taking neither any extrinsic psychedelics nor any medicine, prescribed or not.

As for psychedelics intrinsic to human bodies, I'm on those, the same as almost everyone who is human, being on those. Food is a kind of psychedelics so yes, I eat food but doesn't everybody else?

9-11 building 7 collapse discussions drew many responses and counter-responses bordering on a conspiracy theorists' flame war. We're not supposed to delve into conspiracy theories here. I think that 9-11 attacks were not prevented due to a gross lack of imaginations of the defenders of the U.S. The World Trade Center was bombed shortly after Bill Clinton's inauguration in 1993. The plot to crash ten or so civilian airliners synchronously over the Pacific Ocean was thwarted. There was also a foiled plot to crash an airplane into the Eiffel Tower. Where do you imagine the terrorists would strike next and with what? Have you played with a flight simulator and "flown" near Manhattan? What landmarks did it show you?

Another gross lack of imaginations of the defenders of the U.S. was the drowning of the City of New Orleans. After the Indian Ocean Tsunami, the U.S. scientific and technological community was wondering, "Could this drowning happen to us?" The answer is of course, "Yes, the City of New Orleans was built in a bowl-shaped depression whose bottom was lower than the water levels of the lake and gulf surrounding it. If the levees were breached, New Orleans would be drowned." Both Scientific American and Popular Mechanics had articles detailing this scenario. Apparently, NO ONE in the Mega-Wiener regime took notice. In fact, the Bushit-in-Chief was content to have a Brownie, a college professor with NO disaster relief experience, leading FEMA. Yes, it was that OTHER Michael Brown! Then after the levees had been breached by Hurricane Katrina, the Bushit-in-Chief was content to just fly over New Orleans(he was very close to there) without visiting the disaster in New Orleans. The people were told to evacuate to a sports stadium but there was little water and food to feed the evacuees. It was gross negligence, gross lack of imaginations, gross incompetence, and even intrinsic racism as I believe (as the drowned part of New Orleans was mostly occupied by an underprivileged population and we had more than a YEAR to prepare after the scientific community had become very concerned - the Bushit-in-Charge was either tone-deaf or comatose). That is UNACCEPTABLE in our governments!

Imagine a big hurricane drowning a low-lying underprivileged area of Florida while Herr Drumpf was staying at his southern resort Mara-a-Lago. Would he be callous enough to just fly over to get back to Washington and not see for himself even when people were fighting over water at an evacuation center and the police was shooting and killing people to impose civil order?

God makes a disaster but Man turns it into a Catastrophe(人將其變成災難).

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

With the numerous idiosyncratic and personalized posts .. all too often you do ... "become the topic of distraction" but that's ok, as you post as often as you do and as strongly as you do and I'm grateful for that. In future, I'll try not to get too personal in reply.

All hail those endogamous psychedelics, as re. 9/!! (tho' -''We're not supposed to delve into conspiracy theories here"!) .. one needs to be On Drugs to accept the USG's 'Official 9/11 Commission's Report'... which deals with WTC Building 7 .. by simply refusing to mention it!!! Furthermore - let me know IF you are satisfied with the presentation of ANY evidence that .. An Airliner Hit The Pentagon!! Finally on this matter, let me know IF I have to procure the photos of the Shanksville, PA old coal mine workings scar on the ground that have been co-opted with the addition of a single blast spot, to try to look like a plane had crashed there! I again submit these link for your perusal ..

I'll end with NOLA. Seldom was Disaster Capitalism more self-evident in USA, as what happened before, during and especially - after Hurricane Katrina. Neoliberalism has run riot there and gentrification by way of displacement of original inhabitants - shows the very deep & structural racism that pervades the USA.

From which, I excerpt this .. ''Magical thinking is not limited to the beliefs and practices of pre-modern cultures. It defines the ideology of capitalism. Quotas and projected sales can always be met. Profits can always be raised. Growth is inevitable. The impossible is always possible. Human societies, if they bow before the dictates of the marketplace, will be ushered into capitalist paradise. It is only a question of having the right attitude and the right technique. When capitalism thrives, we are assured, we thrive. The merging of the self with the capitalist collective has robbed us of our agency, creativity, capacity for self-reflection and moral autonomy. We define our worth not by our independence or our character but by the material standards set by capitalism—personal wealth, brands, status and career advancement. We are molded into a compliant and repressed collective. This mass conformity is characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian states. It is the Disneyfication of America, the land of eternally happy thoughts and positive attitudes. And when magical thinking does not work, we are told, and often accept, that we are the problem. We must have more faith. We must envision what we want. We must try harder. The system is never to blame. We failed it. It did not fail us.''

fiat lux ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Re: ''The U.K. has already been fed up with what it got from the immigrant and immigrant-descendant population.''

7 July 2005 London Bombings. There were more recent ones than that one, too, but that one stuck out in my mind. Also shortly before the Brexit referendum vote, many Britons expressed their feelings online. I was against Brexit but they changed my mind.

The European Union is a grand and worthwhile experiment. Europe has so many smaller countries that having a single currency and freedom of movement without crossing border checks make much sense. However, every political region is defined by the behaviors on its borders. The U.K. never quite joined up with the E.U. well(its language links less to France and Germany but more to Canada and the U.S.) and it certainly had the English Channel as its natural border even after the opening of the Chunnel. The U.K. has many "grown-up" children worldwide so it is entirely conceivable that they'll continue to trade with the U.K., including the once rather rebellious one called the U.S.A.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

News for you and your British interlocutors: There is a certain demographic of White Brits who bizarrely think that immigration to UK has nothing to do with Empire and at the same time .. that Empire has no legacy! Furthermore, UK's NHS could not have been instituted OR maintained without immigration. Put that to boomer generation indigenous white Brits, more specifically English ones and see what reaction you get! Finally,the UK is resting on the laurels of past glories & the lack of class solidarity amongst its 50+ English population .. will sow the seeds of much tribulation in future. Also, re.21stC British Empire:

respice; adspice; prospice ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 6 years ago

Before the U.S. Civil War, the U.S. South's argument for expanding slavery into new territories of the U.S. was that slaves were absolutely necessary to sustain the cotton-crop economy of the South and new slave territories/states. Well, after that war, slavery was banned but the South's economy still existed up to this day.

Our farmers are saying the same thing about illegal aliens picking our crops. We'll not be able to afford our groceries if we don't keep our borders open to illegal aliens. I don't believe this one bit. Our technology companies have been saying a similar thing about the many different types of visas that import foreign labor under the guise of protecting U.S. technological superiority and U.S. jobs. Hogwash! Dad, the new white is blue. The black Arctic crude beckons with a Big-Blue-Marble meal in dim light. Our FBI director caught fire -- this chick is incendiary-Hot!!!

I haven't heard of any of our government legislators' jobs being outsourced to Denmark or Sweden. We need the "Politicians' Job Protection and Affordable Governance Act" to protect the Superiority of the U.S. political system, especially the job security of our politicians. There are countries that outsource their national defense and there were outsourcings of governance as well(more affordable and higher quality as any M.B.A.-produced study can prove). I therefore strongly recommend outsourcing the governance of the U.S. to make "one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."

Medical Care will be a great start. The True North is a quick, easy, and close-by onshore outsource provider - Sarah Palin and her family hit upon a great idea! I can see Russia's flag at the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, too(dogwalkers should be able to recognize this animalistic urge instantaneously - it fertilizes the weeds and "marks and cleans" the Arctic fire hydrant as long as the animal has enough Heat so as not be frozen solid to the hydrant in the Act). We just need Canada to issue U.S. persons a NAFTA Medicare card and pay Canada with U.S. medical insurance companies' stocks every year.

Solving the medical insurance scam in the U.S. is as simple and easy as throwing a dart at a list of civilized countries and issuing an H-1B visa to that country to improve the "Superiority of U.S. Healthcare" for the likes of the Shah of Iran and Marcos of the Philippines(Pootin the Great will need this, too, when he falls off of the Siberian Lioness he is riding). We'll for sure save half of our current medical expenditures(by letting Medicare bargain for lower prescription drug prices and eliminating nearly All of the medical insurance paperwork and haggling over "medical coding" whereby insurance payments are denied[topmost priority is to minimize insurance payouts, not patients' well-being]) and get superior health and well-being results in addition.

"Isn’t this a great country altogether?” "'Tis." Doo, doo, boohoo!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

The growth of 'Healthcare Administrators' numbers .. in a direct comparison the numbers of Doctors in U$A, just has to be seen to be believed and even then, it will probably take your breath away in shock:

multum in parvo ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

Here's a New-York-Yankee-style homomorphism map on a human female. The rule enforced by the females is that the bases are ordered and only to be reached consecutively in order. Mutual understanding and consent(take 'No' as an answer gracefully) are important so know or at least try to learn well the rules wherever one goes. Every human society mates its females somehow so as long as one is not in a harem-multiple-female-hogging-and-being-deprived(e.g., Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other Muslim countries) or agrarian-derived-femicidal(e.g., China, India) situation, even big noses are very sexy to some females. The God(or Allah)-chosen sex ratio is very nearly one-to-one to make sure that by and large No one is left out.

9-11 Memorial in lower Manhattan now has two "yoni mandala" reflecting pools at the footprints of the two previous Berlusconi's phallic symbols. Perhaps the aluminum schlongs were too shiny, not trimmed, and therefore offensive to the terrorists who probably love multiple dark and lubricated worldly square feminine holes better(often, four is again a magical number, not just in golf and baseball). Golf allows hole-in-one(aces), -two(eagles), and -three(birdies) probably because aristocrats are obsessed with the goal of cooling their balls fast and therefore impatient with baseball games' rule of sequential fairplay, touching all the bases.

Re: "To avoid the Irish made sense" Why did you dread asking? It's often (though Not always, for there is such a thing as "Rendezvous with Destiny") preferable to live in a separate peace than to die in a together war. Great Britain had some connections to my family. Considering the (sordid) history of Great Britain with the Irish people and vice versa, it's wise to head off the historical animosity even though I believe in the Trans-Racial-Archimedes' Principle(阿基米德超越种族原则) so I have no problem with the human hardware(I doubt very much my own ancestors' having oppressed the Irish people but collateral damage is possible[Sikhs who had been murdered and attacked repeatedly and erroneously were not Iranian Ayatollahs or AhMadDinnerJar!]). Software matters for marital (familial and clan's) harmony, too!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Re. first paragraph and your photos of semi-naked women and other embedded links above - thanx for reminding me why I should never click on your links but somehow managed to do so twice above!!! Re. second paragraph ... more sub-Freudian mumbo-jumbo but re. 9/11 .. well - NO view on Building 7; N0 knowledgeable view on anything from that fateful day!! I couldn't face the third para.! Do try to consider:

verum ex absurdo?

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

I wasn't distressed by the "semi-naked women" probably because of my upbringing. I saw and examined a completely nude pubescent girl when I was stripped naked at age four while being babysat by her. I therefore consider the picture of this "semi-naked" woman rather tame. I understand that Indians have a much stricter standard for covering up their females' bodies so it's possible that you, Indian or otherwise, may have a more prudish upbringing than mine, perhaps closer to the Indians'. Manhattan has racier advertisements than that picture.

Although that "semi-"nude woman has a flirtatious gesture, she's much more covered and tame than the one at a beach wearing a bikini and spreading her legs wide open towards me looking up her body "paying respect" to dead Pangu's(》Urgrund《) bodily landscapes(akin to the "Norse myth of the Giant Ymir, but also of the Babylonian story of Tiamat") after he had finished the Cleaving Creation that separated the male from the female principle. It seems ridiculous to a male like me why the less fabric used on a female's piece of clothing the more expensive it gets(seemingly defying Economics' principle). Is the high price of the female clothing due to the male suckers who afford to buy it as an excuse to watch an exposed or stripped female body when it's gifted to the female and she puts it on? At the first time I saw a thong(or more accurately, missed seeing the string there, duh!) from behind on a woman more than thirty years ago, I thought that I had just been moonstruck by a nude bonker.

What's wrong with facing the "avoiding the Irish made sense" paragraph? These cultural values or non-values due to our (sordid) histories are passed along willy-nilly to the new generations, including our own "mind children" or artificial intelligences. Soon we'll probably be equipping them with guns and teaching them how to target and shoot at human beings effectively, efficiently, and economically (hopefully with no more racial/ethnic prejudices learnt at astonishingly high speed from human beings' tweeting - the A.I. Tay's tweets reek of Trumpanzee). It'll just be Adam Lanza(someone said it well, "God couldn't be everywhere so He created a Mom for everyone!" - as His first responder) in cyborgnetics' form running in autonomous mode, doing the wetwork that we in AmokRica deem distasteful.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

Pictures of ''semi-naked women'' are not really distressing to me personally but parading them here is potentially disrespectful to our female forum posters & thinking that doesn't have jack to do with being ''Indian or otherwise'' lol.The rest of your reply is quite personal to you & I'm declining to engage with it. Therefore, this following link is much more pertinent to some of our other ongoing issues on this forum:

respice, adspice, prospice ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 6 years ago

I certainly wasn't surprised that the investor classes of the U.S. and the British Empire had contributed greatly to the Rise of the Third Reich. It's an age-old story repeated many many times before when a once-ally turned around and bit the so-called master. It's the same old quest for profits, geopolitical influence, and the ephemeral national security.

Although I don't agree with everything(such as the extraterrestrial aliens in UFOs, the U.S. did and does have very exotic technologies but purposeful interstellar travels even by advanced alien civilizations are rather unlikely[Earth has only gone superluminous in unnatural electromagnetic frequencies in the last century so these extraterrestrial aliens had better be within ten(s) of lightyears of us and Not be self-centered to show up in time - the "extraterrestrials" of the 1930's and 40's were almost certainly terrestrial] -- Don't believe that the U.S. or any other country's organic earthling can make a roundtrip to land on Mars and come back Alive within this President's term(s)! He didn't seem to know the vast difference in logistics between a trip to the Moon(days) and one to Mars(years). When we had reached innerspace deep in the ocean, the expert Biologist stared at the computer monitor which scanned the surroundings with zoom-ins and zoom-outs rather than out of the big window port at the reality of the deep sea creatures. We could have done the viewing of the monitor remotely. Our mind children have long roamed, visited, and sent back postcards and video frames of our Family of the Sun{Ariadne can help guide Apollo's chariot} without the need for Power and Rocket Fuel to regulate temperature, Food, Water, Oxygen, Personal Hygiene, Sex[without reproduction, probably], and heavy-duty Radiation-Shielding.) as being said later in the following video clip, much of it is well worth being retold to all the people. The True North speaks. It's Not the Fake North which our Wilhelm VI of Orange had praised as a "smart(actually foolhardy and tough but still sucks the umbilical cord of oil[potential artillery mobility] and natural gas[potential fertilizers and explosives]!) cookie". An American maxim says, "Go West! Young man." The American Empire can help with the Conquest of Afroeurasia. Pootin the Great has a beguiling sense of humor - it's why the Siberian Lioness finds him seductive. He jokingly told the Germans to get firewoods@1:38 from Siberia. Well, they lie just across the border, really really convenient. Partner with the furniture makers of the World's Greatest Manufacturer by providing them with Protection and share the piece of cake! Trumpanzia will buy up the new furnitures.

This was how trading money looked like to me when I was a child (toddler/preschooler). My Mom gave pieces of colored paper to a vendor and she received chocolates and shiny coins. Oh yes, I loved the chocolates alright and caught on that pieces of colored paper were desirable but I didn't really think of where all of those coins and fancy colored paper had come from. Then when a child drew pictures on colored paper and tried to pass them off for goodies, I realized from where all of them had come. Some artist(a notorious one being Adolf Hitler with his swastikas[superiority complex], and another one is God, the Supreme Fascist beyond the point at infinity, with His inescapable symmetries everywhere!) had made them/us All up! Ex nihilo omnia

Ownership is an artifact. Children think of the darndest things to do, such as writing "For Sale" on things that they don't own. That was just about how Manhattan Island had been sold!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 6 years ago

I apologize to our forum posters who were offended. I was incensed and melted down by our airlines' deplorable maltreatments of passengers, followed the White Rabbit, and flowed down the rabbit hole to the dark recesses of my 'id.' Both United and American airlines touched upon my nerve still raw after so many years since the 2001-9-11 attacks. DPRK also used the attack images to threaten New York so my 'ego' is well aware of the "something crawling from the slime at the bottom of a dark Scottish lake."

I wasn't near Washington or Pennsylvania to assert what had happened in those places on that fateful day but I know intimately the effects of the attack on Manhattan. The EPA Lied about the air quality being good that day(perhaps the Bushit-in-Chief couldn't handle the evacuation of lower Manhattan). Even months after, my body's respiratory system was still telling me that the very fine dust still lingering in the air was bad for health.

I kept my mouth shut about what happened to the loving father who had been crashed into a tower although I knew with near certainty that he would Never come home to his family again. It's respectful and kind Not to prick the balloon of Hope of the wife and children and let the officials handle the messages to notify the next-of-kin. Realization takes time. I learnt that lesson from taking care of my terminally ill parent. Not lying and yet not telling the projected truth that one knows deeply in one's bones lets the others live in happiness a while longer. The disadvantage is that they are deprived of the "intensity of living" or "joie de vivre" that a death sentence may well precipitate.

It's of the utmost importance to provide adequate(especially emotional, singing this to Mom on her deathbed could've meant so much - Yes, I still miss and love her because she did what she could for a generationally distant and culturally roaming far-afield child like me) support after announcing the death sentence(really just the recognition of the inevitable projected truth), as required to get things into order, to avoid a nasty and chaotic inheritance fight(such as the one between the Shiites and the Sunnis after the Prophet had died that still rages today nearly fourteen hundred years later). Sometimes, it's great to stare at the Manhattan skyline(a catwalk on either the Brooklyn or the Williamsburg{a.k.a. Williamsburgh from olden Dutch times} Bridge[noisier due to the subway trains crossing it at times] over the East River affords a great view) from the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and view and smell the cherry blossoms, blooming in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. They held special meanings for my late Dad.

I stared into the pits of rubbles and lost track of and wondered where my kins were because the telephone communication had been knocked out. I could feel the despair and sympathize with the widow and her children. They had to wait for and wait for the return of the one who would Never return. I had longings, as a preschooler, waiting for Papa(he had strong hands that I couldn't pry open while I was sitting in his lap playing) but he did return home, as always. The attack on Manhattan was very real to me.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

To be clear about what I said in my previous reply above; I am not a prude but I said what I said because there is no shortage of pictures of semi-naked women in modern culture - such that we really don't need it here. Furthermore - I do respect what you say immediately above re.9/!! & it had a very direct effect on some of my own loved ones, who lived in NY at that time. I do not like going into 9/!! too much, BUT it is The Foundational Lie of our times, upon which is predicated so much B-S .. which has ruined and taken many more lives than those 3.000 innocents on that fateful day. All I need to and can say about all that, is contained herein & I recommend a slow perusal of this article and then, the subsequent thread below:

fiat lux ...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

His idea of having like-minded people together makes sense to minimize conflicts. Look at all of the various powder kegs of the world. Where do they occur? Do they occur in culturally homogeneous parts of the world such as Japan or do they occur in culturally heterogeneous parts of the world such as the Balkan peninsula?

Sarajevo and Beirut were once hailed as golden cities of cultural heterogeneity. Boy! Did they blow up big time! Kashmir is another example. Between Iran/Saudi Arabia is another millennium-old Shi'a/Sunn'i fault line. There was also the Rwanda genocide.

Our First Amendment protects the freedom of association. If some people want to live together in a more culturally homogeneous bloc, it's just fine. I just don't think color of a person's skin, race, or ethnic origin are good criteria to congregate people because in my opinion, they are bogus and outdated, having sprouted from our ancestors' ignorance or malice or both. For me, I prefer criteria based on shared cultures and civic values.

I am frankly very irritated by the people who cut into lines. I grew up with the values that we wait for our turns and give each other each person's moment to shine. Yes, I confronted a woman obviously a new immigrant who cut into line (when I had to handle the aftermath of my parent's death; some of the queueing is actually unnecessary but governments are well known to be brainless or inconsiderate towards the ordinary folks; I knew better organizations overseas, not at the navel so few people stare there; in a queue of 50-60 people corralled together, only the first few need to be physically there, issuing a numbered chit to each can dissolve the queue[reducing terrorist target; in some airports the security checkpoints to make people safe actually create huge terrorist target right in front of the checkpoints like funnels concentrating people into bottlenecks] and let the people re-form the queue's head for just-in-time servicing according to the chit number, also set a long bench so people can sit and sort out the order according to the chit numbers, in order to increase revenue, rent out the space vacated by the no-longer-queued-up 45-55 people to vending machines for snacks, tables and chairs for texting, etc. Children like snack bars; I do, too. Make some portable toothbrushing facilities available, to protect milk teeth. Perhaps a take-some-leave-some library can help with boredom). She said that she paid taxes. Wow, when did paying taxes give one the right to cut into lines ahead of others? I paid my taxes, too! We have people unacculturated to our cultural values in our midst so I support value cleansing. Oh, yes, let us end the "press '1' for English" crap and get a cultural restraining order. Let birds of the same ilk flock together.

Punctuality is important to me because that's what defines modern societies. The more punctual and synchronized people are in some activities, the wealthier and more leisure time not spent attending to life's necessities such as fetching water. I heard few Americans complain of the Nazi-innovated interstate highway system of ours being unfree to make entrance and exit wherever one wants. Or even more fundamentally, let us give people the Freedom to drive on the right And on the left and do away with all of the stupid one-way streets. We'll figure out again why some restrictions are Freer than freedoms. Do we really want Russian-style "roads" that had defeated the armies of both Napolean and Hitler(God blessed Russia by endowing these "roads" for national defense!)? There's NO such thing as Third World timings and First World living and wealth. 入乡(鄉)随(隨)俗 si fueris Rōmae, Rōmānō vīvitō mōre -- or be a turkey voting for Thanksgiving (das Erntedankfest in meiner Heimat).

I don't like lily-white neighborhoods because in my elementary (and also secondary) school years, I had to walk through some of them to get to school and to the public library to borrow books. There were pebbles thrown at me - they all missed, good. Then one day on my way to the library, a white, yes white!, boy ran fast at me from behind, slapped me in the face, and ran away. I certainly agree that white supremacy needs to be reined in. It's plainly stupid because it's a mental illness. I don't see how as an eight-year-old boy walking by on a public street to the public library, I could have offended these so-called "white" children.