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Forum Post: A national voter initiative process

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 4:57 p.m. EST by SW2011 (0)
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I think a good way to capture the spirit of the occupy movement would be a call to introduce a formal mechanism of direct democracy - a national voter initiative process - in our country. This is one demand that could encompass all others.

We elect representatives who are supposed to speak for us in congress, yet the 1% are able to use their resources and power to magnify their voices in the legislative process compared to the voices of the 99%.

There are obvious practical reasons for representative government. The majority of citizens wouldn't have the time to follow the minutiae of policy and vote on every issue. But having a voter initiative process at the national level would give the majority an opportunity to force action on issues - such as addressing the obscene levels of income inequality in our country - that our representatives seem unable to address despite a clear majority of popular opinion in favor of action.



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[-] 1 points by ChicagoT (54) 12 years ago

The bigger problem is that you have a two party system that requires party allegiance to even get on the ballot. The parties are supported by the very groups you are against..... who are you going to vote for?... Has OWS the financial backing to launch a few hundred election campaigns? (Probably need about 200 congressional seats to carry a vote in both houses) ... who's the funding going to come from, special interest groups?

Like it or not you are going to have to work within the existing system until you can change it... so far no one has laid out a plan for change that would influence the powers to be to give up their royal status....