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Forum Post: 8th USA Parliament: October Bulletin Supplement 2011

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 7:13 p.m. EST by bobby (58) from Quincy, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

To: All Voters and Non Voters From: Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] Subject: USP: USA Parliament October Bulletin Supplement 2011


  1. Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] at Occupy Wall Street Protest
  2. National American Parliament's Cabinet
  3. Foreign Ministry
  4. New England Super-state Parliament Circuit #1
  5. The North Atlantic Super-state Parliament Circuit #3
  6. South Super-state Parliament Circuit #6
  7. Great Lakes Super-state Parliament Circuit #7
  8. SouthWest Super-state Parliament Circuit #10
  9. SouthWest Washington Mini-State Parliament Circuit #12-11
  10. The Santa Barbara/SLO/Kern/Ventura Mini-state Parliament Circuit #11-7
  11. Sonoma County Micro-state Parliament #ss11-1-19
  12. Last call for 2011 Voting/Debates

  1. Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] at Occupy Wall Street Protest

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_0riq6C8Kc&sns=tw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9k72eZiDNMQ

Follow the OccupyWallStreet Web Page: https://occupywallst.org/

  1. National American Parliament's Cabinet http://www.usparliament.org/cab-1.php

Peace Minister Herb [aqua tangerine] Elected on 9/23/2011

  1. Foreign Ministry http://usparliament.org/foreignministry.php

International Contact - Canada Mana.Nobodygirl [Revolutionary Forward Thinkers] Self Appointed on 9/29/2011 Javier [Info. Not Avail.] - Self Appointed on 9/29/2011

The Foreign Ministry has established a United World Division http://usparliament.org/unitedworlddivision.php

  1. New England Super-state Parliament Circuit #1 http://www.usparliament.org/ss1.php

MSP Finvek [Libertarian] Self Appointed on 9/26/2011 MSP=member of super-state parliament

  1. The North Atlantic Super-state Parliament Circuit #3 http://www.usparliament.org/ss3.php

Scott Spinucci [Hot Cocoa] MSP=member of super-state parliament

  1. South Super-state Parliament Circuit #6 http://www.usparliament.org/ss6.php

MSP Mayeye [Democrat] Self Appointed on 9/24/2011 MSP=member of super-state parliament

  1. Great Lakes Super-state Parliament Circuit #7 http://www.usparliament.org/ss7.php

MSP Christopher Doan [Freedom] Self Appointed on 9/28/2011 MSP Grady Ogle [Humanitarian] Self Appointed on 9/28/2011 MSP=member of super-state parliament

  1. SouthWest Super-state Parliament Circuit #10

MSP Ryan Doody [Libertarian] Self Appointed on 9/26/2011 MSP=member of super-state parliament

  1. SouthWest Washington Mini-State Parliament Circuit #12-11 http://www.usparliament.org/ss12-11.php

MMP Angela Watson [Green Tea] Self Appointed on 9/23/2011 MMP=member of mini-state parliament

  1. The Santa Barbara/SLO/Kern/Ventura Mini-state Parliament Circuit #11-7 http://www.usparliament.org/ss11-7.php

Will Might [Libertarian] Self Appointed on 9/30/2011 MMP=member of mini-state parliament

  1. Sonoma County Micro-state Parliament #ss11-1-19 http://www.usparliament.org/ss11-1-19.php

MCMP Hopefulone [Reformist] Self Appointed on 9/28/2011 MCMP=member of county micro-state parliament

  1. Last call for 2011 Voting/Debates

HEAR YE! HEar ye!

Last CALL, for voting and debates, for the Mid-West Super-state Parliament (SS8): http://www.usparliament.org/ss8.php

Need not be a resident of the Mid-West Super-state to participate!

Contact Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] via email or telephone to learn how to coordinate better: joogle@gonott.com 415-686-1996

--James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] volunteer vote counter Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Roseanne-Barr-for-President-2012/153524907998543

Re-posted in USParliament.org: http://usparliament.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=466

Ad for GoNott Search and GoNott Advertise http://usparliament.org/drafts/coalition7CA2014.html Volunteer Beta Testers Wanted

US-PAR: All voters, non-voters and news media (approx. 247 subscribers).

Please feel free to engage or disengage to this email list by sending the message "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" to joogle@gonott.com.




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[-] 1 points by bobby (58) from Quincy, CA 12 years ago

...don't know why, but each of the 12 items had been numbered with consecutive numbers, and they came out as all #1s. (?)