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Forum Post: 11-11-11

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 5:44 p.m. EST by apacherose (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

11-11-11 has been suggested as "Nigel Tufnel Day" as a salute to the Spinal Tap guitarist (and a recognition of the universal desire to "turn everything up louder than everything else!") I would like to suggest that on 11-11-11; with a PEAK at 11:11 PM...Energy workers; didge, bowls and flute players; drummers and rattlers; DJ's; singers; musicians of every order - this might be the moment of mass directed sonic energy which could create sea changes. Amplify it all the way, if you can. "This one goes up to 11!" If you like the idea, let's propogate it. A night to Howl; perhaps Ginsberg will look down on that night with some pride and satisfaction. 11-11-11 should be a day and night during which rhythms and melodies of both anger and resolution; of pain and of healing; of despair and of hope must be unavoidable - anywhere in this nation. We have voices and we have many instruments - and we can turn it up to 11. "That's one more; innit?"



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