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We are the 99 percent


i want to support you cause by giving students like my self a way to support the protest
"Stand Out To Stand Up"
For students who cannot participate in the revolutions to help
I am a high school Jr. and want to help support the revolt and demand for political and economic reform worldwide. I would like to organize a organization called "Stand out To Stand Up" this organization is for students who cannot leave school and families to join the revolts and occupations. I propose that to promote the reforms going on in the world that the students who cannot participate in the revolutions stand out visually such as to look very different from other students this could be to dress gothic, punk, or any other visually striking yet different way. I ask that this cause to support the reforms going on is not a violent cause. I am creating “Stand out To Stand Up" to let our visual differences remind our sleepy towns and uninformed peers that there is revolutions going on worldwide and that we must do something to help support them or we ourselves will be no better than those who oppose the cause. If you have any ideas on a symbol to unite “Stand out To Stand Up" or would like to contact this cause I can be reached at cabindog94@aol.com.
Thank you for your time.

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