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Forum Post: The Continuing Collapse of the Global Warming Hoax

Posted 10 years ago on June 16, 2013, 6:13 p.m. EST by FreeNakoula (-29)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

While the nation tries to come to grips with the cascade of scandals involving the Obama administration, a significant phenomenon has been occurring. It is the demise of the global warming/climate change hoax that has driven national and international policies since the 1980s.

Directed from within the bowels of the most corrupt international organization on planet Earth, the United Nations, the hoax originally generated the Kyoto Protocols in December 1997 to set limits on the generation of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. The UN’s climate charlatans claimed that CO2 was causing the Earth to dramatically warm. It was a lie. The U.S. Senate unanimously refused to ratify it and, in 2011, Canada withdrew from it.

As reported by Craig Rucker, Executive Director of CFACT, fast-forward to the recent UN climate talks in Bonn, Germany, and news that Russia, joined by Ukraine and Belarus, blocked the adoption of the agenda of the “Subsidiary Body for Implementation”, part of the standard fast-tracking toward a 2015 Climate Treaty scheduled to be adopted and signed in Paris. Part of the treaty is a scheme to redistribute the wealth of developed nations to those less developed.

The Russians were fed up with the usual behind-closed-doors proceedings that create such treaties, but no doubt they were well aware that the treaty would empower the UN to govern a large portion of economic activity around the world. All UN treaties require nations to surrender some aspect of their national sovereignty.

There is clearly a backlash against the global warming hoax, particularly from nations that have discovered the costs to their economies that idiotic “renewable” energy schemes and emissions reductions incur. In the real world, they are experiencing longer, harsher winters as the result of the cooling cycle the Earth has been in for the last seventeen years!

Despite President Obama’s incessant claims that the Earth is heating, scientists in both Russia and China have been publishing data from scientific studies disputing the Big Lie of global warming/climate change.

The Chinese Academy of Sciences—50,000 members strong—recently published “Climate Change Reconsidered and Climate Change Reconsidered: 2011 Interim Report”, two hefty volumes with more than 1,200 pages of peer-reviewed data on climate change published by The Heartland Institute in 2009 and 2011.

In May, Marc Morano, publisher of ClimateDepot.com and a former member of the staff of the U.S. Senate Environmental & Public Works Committee submitted written testimony to the committee.

“The scientific reality is that on virtually every claim—from A-Z—the claims of the promoters of man-made climate fears are failing,” wrote Morano, “and in many instances the claims are moving in the opposite direction. The global warming movement is suffering the scientific death of a thousand cuts.”

“There is no evidence,” wrote Morano, “we are currently having any unusual weather.” Weather events such as the Moore, Oklahoma tornado and the sub-tropical storm Sandy that hit the northeast are normal occurrences despite the damage they inflicted.

In The Wall Street Journal in May, Princeton University physicist Dr. William Happer and NASA moonwalker and geologist, Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt wrote that “Thanks to the single-minded demonization of this natural and essential atmospheric gas by advocates of government control of energy production, the conventional wisdom about carbon dioxide is that it is a dangerous pollutant. That’s simply not the case.”

Literally thousands of scientists around the world have disputed the IPCC “science” and many former “warmists” have reversed their former beliefs. Dr. Lennart Bengtsson, a top Swedish climate scientist, formerly affiliated with the IPCC, said in February “We are creating great anxiety without it being justified…there are no indications that the warming is so severe that we need to panic…

“The warming we have had the last 100 years is so small that, if we didn’t have meteorologists and climatologists to measure it, we wouldn’t have noticed it at all.”

Environmental Protection Agency, Big Lie about CO2

The threat facing Americans is posed by the Environmental Protection Agency that clings to the Big Lie about CO2 and uses it as the basis for a flood of regulations that are doing great harm to economic recovery and development.

The same holds true for the Departments of Energy and the Interior that deny access to the nation’s huge reserves of energy resources and, in the case of coal, act to destroy its mining industry and plants using it for the generation of electricity.

The global warming/climate change hoax continues to be widely taught in the nation’s schools and that should end. Now.

It continues to be reported as truth by the mainstream media and as fodder for Hollywood movies and for television programs such as those on the National Geographic Channel.

Despite the lies surrounding global warming/climate change, the hoax is in its final death throes and has been for many years. That’s the good news.

© Alan Caruba, 2013 http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/print-friendly/55939



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[-] 2 points by ericweiss (575) 10 years ago

Of course global warming is a hoax.
The ice caps aren't melting -
the crapitalists are just harvesting the ice so that they have something
to shove in
to keep cool off when they occasionally take their heads out

[-] 2 points by itsmyblood (10) 10 years ago

as an engineering student, i must say not impressed. i mean really this is shoddy fucking journalism. you think i give a fuck what some 2 bit hack on a senate committee says or thinks??? you must be fucking retarded. every science journal i read indicates that the problem is far worse than we imagined and all we can do is mediate the damage that is going to occur no matter what. but hey don't believe me. see for yourself. asshole. http://theweek.com/article/index/244345/scientists-climate-change-is-real

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 10 years ago

David Suzuki said something like this, " We are all on a train ride heading straight for a brick wall, and the only thing we are arguing about, is where to sit.".

[-] 1 points by itsmyblood (10) 10 years ago

i am done dealing with these types in any kind of a civilized way time to start treating them like the fools and hacks they are. no lie time to spit on some people.

[-] -1 points by OccNoVi (415) 10 years ago

And that was before press got hold of the connection between CO2 in the atmosphere and warmth and where the sea level was back in the Neogene Period.

-- Make that a rise of between 60 and 80 feet for the world's ocean.

-- Make the transition period 300 years. About 10 feet the first century, then the rest of it over the second two centuries.

The atmosphere is relatively light compared to water. The atmosphere heats up first. Then the islands above Canada lose their ice covering. We move quickly enough to the sea level of the Neogene over a dozen or so generations.

Of course the denial freaks will blame government/democracy that nothing was done.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 10 years ago

When I drive through the north of Australia, I can see the old shoreline on the edge of the escarpment country, way up high. I remember the climate change warnings of two decades ago.

Much like all of our news, it's only current for as long as it's on the box, or in the tabloids.

[-] -1 points by justiceforzim2 (-3) 10 years ago

Maybe, but think about cities past on the Mediteranean and the great statues and stuff that are now in the sea. Alexandria lighthouse, colossus of Rhodes. Those things were not built in the sea.....they were on the coast that no longer is. We tend to think of the "world" as the last 4-500 yrs of western explorers and expect coastlines of this blink of planetary time as the norm.

[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 10 years ago

Seismic upheavals and demersals aside, Australia is one of the oldest continents, along with Antarctica and Africa.

I think it's quite extraordinary that so much was spent on getting us to the moon, when our current oceans are not completely explored.

[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

the hoax

Obviously when you say hoax - U mean the fossil fuel industry and their bought shills denying reality.

[-] -2 points by defenstrationist (-4) 10 years ago

Obviously when say anything U mean to propagate propaganda.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.BuBye trashy.

[-] 1 points by Proteus (141) from Quebec, QC 10 years ago

Well, this is worse than a piece of junk, disinformation talking...

It seems nobody here take the time to think of the phrases they are reading when they see a piece of text, they just stick to the part that either satisfy their belief or affect their protective ego...

My point is; isn't it strange that he is saying that we are in a cooling cycle while that other guy is saying temperatures have never been that flat?

One got to wonder what it will be when we will hit the heat cycle...

[-] 0 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago


The only hoax here is canadafreepress.

Is there a Murdock involved somewhere?

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

so the world population isn't growing exponentially ?


[-] -1 points by OccNoVi (415) 10 years ago


Please, label humor articles.

[-] -1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The global warming discussion has become irrelevant because "Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!" We have better things to do than fighting the fossil-fuel lobby's efforts. We are preparing for the Peak Oil/Droughts/Floods Water World. Noah was surely laughed at when he built his ark but we have infrastructures to protect and lives and properties to save. We have moved on to adaptation.

[-] -1 points by SingleVoice (158) 10 years ago

I agree with you on this topic. Some people with an open mind will look into it but the close minded ones full of intolerance, arrogance and ignorance will just call you names. No matter.

The earth has shifted to it's cooling cycle the last 10 years. The earth temp has not increased and in fact has flattened out. The earth goes thru approx 30 year cycles of warming and cooling. It has everything to do with the solar activity and the oceans. It has little to do with CO2 emissions but that goes against the ruling class's story to blackmail the citizens of the earth with their propaganda. It's all about power over us.

It has come out recently that graphs used to perpetuate "global warming" purposely deleted the warming during the middle ages from their graphs which was much warmer than the cycle we just went thru for the last 30 years and lasted nearly 80 years. It was followed by "Little Ice Age" which was also an extended period of cooling. By omitting that, it fraudulently gave the impression that the cycle we are coming out of was the warmest on record.

I've attached a couple links but there are many more that show the 30 year cycles of warming and cooling that are normal with our planet. Of course, the people who have much to lose by recognizing this will never admit to it and their blind followers won't either. The earth goes thru it's own cycles driven by the sun and not man.

The flourocarbons depleting the ozone layer in the 70's held more weight than the "man-made" global warming theories. By the way, the same people were screaming the next ice age was coming at that time. 1980's started the next 30 year warming cycle and now that has been shifting the other direction in the past 10 years. They are expecting this next cooling period to last longer than the normal 30 year cycle. Has anyone noticed how long and much colder the winters have been? We had snow this year in May and June in some places of this country. That happened a lot in the 60s and 70s. It's just the earth going thru another natural cycle.



[-] 0 points by DebtSUSPENSIONRights (181) 10 years ago

I think there are more volatile highs and lows than in the past. However, I would have no way of knowing if the highs and lows in the same area having a greater fluctuation, if true, are the highest level of volatility they have ever been.

i think more of the suns more lethal rays are invading our atmosphere, probably because of the ozone layer depletion, and that may be what is feed not global warming, but higher volatility in highs and lows, which can be just as dangerous as global warming if it leads to more violent storms.


[-] -1 points by DebtSUSPENSIONRights (181) 10 years ago

In my opinion Global warming can be interpreted to mean increased temperature fluctuations. Increased temperature fluctuations mean the overall temperature of the earth is remaining somewhat constant, but the fluctuation between the high and the lows on a daily basis are actually increasing, and that is a cause for concern.

This is my own conclusion by the way, but I think it makes a lot of sense as it renders the debate over whether the earth is warming a moot point. Instead, if high temps and low temps are indeed fluctuating more than before, than yes, we do have a problem.

The two Oklahoma Tornados in the past decade are apparently two of the deadliest tornadoes of all time and both could be attributed to increased temperature fluctuations more so than actual warming of the earth.

[-] 0 points by DebtSUSPENSIONRights (181) 10 years ago

So we could in theory use the almanac and study what the highs and lows were from the 1950's, with what they are nowadays.

Keep in mind that cities by the oceans may not show as much of a fluctuation change as those more inland.

[-] -2 points by defenstrationist (-4) 10 years ago

Great post. You've given the ignorant the light of knowledge and shown them the path to reality now you will receive their vengeance and wrath as they attempt to ridicule and destroy you.

The Hoax deniers are evil and ruthless. Keep telling them the truth and hang tough.

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8310) from Phoenix, AZ 10 years ago

sounds like all the other Obama haters on the site to me